Epilogue 5 - Surprise Guest from Way Back When

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Song - let there be love by oasis


I don't even remember the time. I didn't even check our digital alarm clock. It was pitch black however when we heard pounding at our door. I woke up clutching Timothée's chest nervously. He slowly awoke too realising the thumping on the door.
"Who the fuck is that?" He groaned getting out of bed. I cautiously followed him.

He peeped through the hole and I stood behind him.
"It's some girl." He said, confused.
He let me look, I stood on my tiptoes and peered through.
"Oh my god." I said grabbing the keys.
"That's..." I opened the door. "Jules?"
The girl sighed;
"Y/n!" She pulled me into a hug.
I almost forgot we left things on such bad terms. I hadn't seen this girl, who was one of my best friends, who I used to date since 1996 it's now 1999.

"What're you doing here?" I asked as she pulled away from the hug.
"We were on tour and..." she looked up to notice Timmy who looked visibly angry. He had been woken up, not just by anyone but by someone who tried to prevent his marriage and inadvertently caused those few months of misery without y/n.

"I'm so sorry y/n and you Timothée. I was a real bitch, I've been your friend for years and missed your wedding. I was too caught up in the band to remember the reason why I joined it." She put her hand on my shoulder.
"I appreciate that Jules but why are you here, now? At knows what time of night."
"I- I got kicked out the band."
"I need a place to stay."

I looked at Timothée still looking annoyed.
"Just for a couple of days."
I mouthed please to timmy and he rolled his eyes then;
"Fine, she can sleep on the couch but tell her to be quiet so she doesn't wake Daisy."
"Come in. Queens is scary at night." I said. Jules followed in.

"Who's Daisy?" She asked sitting on the couch just in perfect time for;
"Mommy! Daddy!"
She waddled into the dark room and stepped back at the stranger on our couch.
"Daisy, come back to bed." Timmy said picking her up and taking her back to her room.

"Y-you had a baby?" Jules stuttered.
"Yes." I said after a sigh.
"God, how old is she?"
"She's two. I got pregnant not long after we got married."
The information fell heavy on Jules."Holy shit...I'm so sorry I wasn't there."
"I was upset we didn't stay friends."
"You were right, to do what you did. Nat and Flo just...they can be so unkind."

"You were unkind too." I added not wanting to completely gloss over what had happened between us.
"I know, I know and honestly I can't apologise enough."
"How'd you find my house?"
"Lois. I rang her. You two are still in touch."
"Well she came to my wedding so..."
Timothée came back in and folded his arms in the doorway.

"You can stay for a week at most." I said standing up.
"I'll be outta your hair before ya know it." She said.
I walked up to Timothée.
"There's a blanket on the end of the couch. Nice to see ya Jules."
"You two."
And with that we walked back to bed.

"Jules..." Timmy thought aloud. "I thought Jules had black hair."
"No that's Nat."
"So what one's Jules?"
"Oh my god. She's the one you slept with isn't she?" He realised as we got to bed.
"Well, yeah. We went out though it wasn't just-"

"That's why you were so friendly and happy to have her back." He accused.
"Well how would you feel if I let in one of my ex girlfriends to stay for a week?"
"She probably won't be here for a week. And besides that's different. We only went out for like a year in '92 and then were friends for years."

"Hmm." He thought for a moment.
"I wanna know what it was like."
"Don't be cheeky." I dismissed.
"Why not tell me. You tell me everything but you never tell me about when you were a lesbian."
"I was not a lesbian!"
"Whatever, I wanna know."
"Just cause your horny."
"Am not."

I rolled my eyes.
"What do you wanna know?"
"When did this start?"
"Like 1992."
"Yeah but how."
"Well we met. I was 19 her 21 and we just..."
"The first night you met her?"
"Like I didn't sleep with you ridiculously quickly."

"Well I never got first night treatment."
"You got it on the first date!"
"Still not as good as the first night."
I slapped his arm.
"I think we should go back to sleep."


The next morning I went into the kitchen forgetting all about Jules, honestly I'd written it off as a dream but i what myself when I shut the fridge and saw her there.
"Ah Jules!"
"Sorry...just wanted some orange juice."
I sighed and passed her the carton.

She poured herself a glass.
"Hey I'm sorry again for springing this all on you."
"Oh don't worry. It's alright. Honestly I kinda missed you." I said as I made my cereal.
"A little." I replied sourly.
I sat down at the table with her.

"So what you up to? Work wise?" She asked.
"Um well I work as a backup singer and I sing at this jazz club on Fridays."
"See I thought you gave singing all up for Timothée." She explained.
"God no, all I gave up for Timothée was living in London. He doesn't dictate my life."
"Sorry I was being rude."

"It's alright. At least you recognise it now."
"Are we ever gonna be back where we were?"
"Like where we were 3 years ago?"
"Yeah. We were making music and partying and making music..."
"You miss making music?"

"Isn't that what you've been doing?"
"No I- I miss making music with you."
The words weighed on me for a moment.
"Why're you really here Jules?"
"I think we should start a band together."

A/N: so my exams are over so updates will hopefully be more regular. Adding this storyline into the epilogues even through they aren't really story driven but this might be over 2 or more parts to kinda flush it out. Hope y'all like the idea. :))

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