June 1997

989 16 2

Song - New York State of mind by Billy Joel

Timmy came home from work, looking tired around five. I was pondering over my list of baby names on the couch when he walked in.
"Timmy!" I said excited that he was home.

"Hey baby," he gave me a kiss on the cheek before sitting down next to me.
"How's my two favourite girls?" He smoothed his hand over my now quite noticeable lump.
"We're good, I'm just tryna find her a name."
"Maybe we'll know once we see her. Like what suits her y'know."

"I suppose."
"Don't stress over it darlin' you've got enough to stress about with your mum coming tomorrow and all that." He said petting my stomach as if he was talking to it.
"Oh don't remind me."
"It'll be fine, I think she'll like me."
"You're not the one I'm worried about."

He sighed.
"It's all gonna be fine, trust me. I'll make it so." He gave me a look that I knew and trusted, so I nodded.
"Okay. Tell me about your day babe."
"Oh it was great. I love this new job. You'll never guess who I saw today just walking around the studio."
"Who?" I gasped excitedly.
"Drew Barrymore."
"Oh my god, no way."

"Yes way."
"Did you talk to her?"
"Well, no. But I definitely saw her."
"Did you get star stu-Oh!" I was cut off by a sharp jabby feeling in my stomach. I put my hand there and felt it.
"Are you okay?" Timmy asked a look of concern on his face, worry in his voice.

"The baby...it just kicked." I exclaimed. Tim's hand immediately reached onto my lump and we both felt another kick.
"Oh my god." Said Timothée. I looked into his eyes and smiled. He kissed me  making a very prominent mwah sound in his excitement.


The next morning I got up and went to the bathroom. Timmy was already out of bed and in the kitchen getting ready for work. I knew he was late because I could hear a million things clanging and his feet pattering up and down hurriedly on the floor.

I was on the toilet two seconds and I heard knocking on the door.
"I'm in here Timmy."
"Yeah I know. You gonna be long? I need to brush my teeth."
"Babe I just-"
Before I could finish my sentence the door was open and he was putting toothpaste on his blue brush.

"Uh Timmy!" I warned.
"Sorry babe." He mumbled as he brushed. "I'm so late. Don't want my breath to stink neither."
"But I'm on the toilet!"
"Nothing I ain't never seen before." He said nonchalantly.
I huffed. He spat out the toothpaste and then washed it and the mouthwash he gargled away.

"Love you babe." He smiled giving me a kiss on the forehead and practically rubbing out the door. I thought to myself about my embarrassment. I should really be embarrassed he is my husband. I suppose cause we jumped into marriage so quickly there's a few moments where I still feel vulnerable around him.


I had a relatively unproductive day. Timmy had insisted I cut down shifts at Ricci's.

"But babe, we need money."
"Yeah, and I've got that covered."
"Tim we both know your wage isn't enough for the both of us and the baby."
He sighed; "Well at least cut down to 3 days. I don't want you on your feet the whole time. You need to rest, you're getting big."
"Thanks." I snapped back sarcastically.

"Y'know what I mean y/n. I don't want you coming home exhausted every day." He said while he caressed my cheek, when he done that it was very hard to say no to him.
"Okay, but only to 3 days and after I have the kid I'm going back to full time."
"We'll discuss that closer to the time."

So that meant, Monday's Wednesday's and Saturday's (as well as my usual Sunday) were my free days. Today me and María got our nails done and went for lunch near our house in queens.

I came home, pondered over some more baby names (crossed out Jenifer and Kate) then read the newspaper until Timmy came home at seven.
"Baby!" I said excitedly. I missed him so much on days like this. I stood and hugged him. He kissed me on the cheek.

"Nice relaxing day?" He asked.
"Boring. I wanna hear about yours."
He smiled, happy at my interest.
"Well, it was good. Made it just in time. Thank god the model was late too." He went on and on about his day, the sound of his voice intently drawing me in.

Knock knock
We both looked up
Bang bang, knock knock
"Oh my god I forgot my mum was coming." I said, realising.

A/N: Sorry tua took ages. I'm back at school now so updates will be less regular.

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