Mrs. Jackson

899 21 3

Song - Witchy woman by eagles

Timmy anxiously answered the door.
"Mrs. Y/l/n!" He smiled.
"You must be Tomothée." She said.
"Timothée." He replied politely.
"Right." My mum said, unenthused.
"Please come in."
She barged past him and almost dropped her bag on his feet.

She gasped my name and pulled me in for a hug.
"My my, what have you been eating?"She joked at my bump.
I laughed nervously, god why was she so loud?!
"Well of course I'm big. I'm five months pregnant."
She tutted and removed her fur coat.
"Tomothée, be a dear and take my coat." He did so willingly and disappeared into the bedroom to put it away.

"Now where will I be sleeping?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, where's the spare bedroom?"
"Ma we don't have a spare bedroom."
"You've got a baby on the way!"
"Well yeah, but the room doesn't have a bed yet!"
"Watch your tone young lady!"

Timothée came back in.
"Take a seat Mrs. Y/l/n."
"No please call me Sadie." She wandered over to the couch.
"So I guess this is my bed too?"
"She's staying here?" Tim said forgetting my mother can hear him.

"Apparently so." I huffed.
"I'm sorry Mrs- Sadie. If we knew we'd have been more prepared." Tim sat down and I got real close to him. I felt like I needed protection from the witch across from us.
"That's fine. But I can't sleep on a couch."

"I'll give up my place in the bed if you don't mind sharing with-"
"No Timmy you won't do that." I said abruptly. I couldn't face a week sleeping in the same bed with her. No one to console me at night.
"We'll put out a quilt and blankets in the baby's room." I suggested.

"Awful rude to not have a bed for your guest." She muttered quite but loud enough because it was obvious she wanted us to hear. I clutched Timothée's hand already feeling a wave of sadness.
"Anyways I suppose that'll do."
She shrugged her shoulders. "So Tomothée you do what exactly?"

"I'm uh a photographer."
"Unsteady job in the arts, perfect for starting a family." She sneered sarcastically.
"Ma!" I warned.
She gave me a look that said- what? I've said nothing incorrect.

"Do you work long hours Tom?"
"Tim." I corrected her, she promptly ignored and raised her eyebrows for him to answer.
"It depends. Not usually though."
"You love your mother Timothée?"
She said his name with resentment. She knew his name the whole time but enjoyed teasing us with her impoliteness.

"Yes, of course." He smiled. "My mother is a wonderful woman."
"Did she get an invite to your wedding?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Timothée would you watch her, so rude."
"He doesn't need to watch me mum I'm my own person!" I said leaning forward.

"You clearly don't understand what it is to be married, child." She sneered.
I was about to jump out at her but Timmy held me back.
"My parents weren't at the wedding either. It was just friends in London."
"Hm." She hummed. "I think it's about dinner time. Y/n what are you cooking?"

She jumps from subject to subject only when something interests her can we have a conversation.
"Uh actually it's Timmy's night to cook."
"What?" She was baffled.
"Yeah, we take turns to make dinner each night. 'S fair."
"How emasculating." She muttered again. I noticed that Timmy's jaw clenched.

"We're having spaghetti and meatballs." Tim said. "But I've gotta go for a shower, so I'll let you two catch up." He smiled and walked away. He couldn't hold his fuse for much longer- I could tell.
"He's a night showerer too?" My mum criticised with another tut.

"Ugh shut up mum." I said going to the bedroom to get blankets. I held my bump as I walked.
"You can't talk to me like that child!"
"Well it's my house so yes I'll think you find I can." I replied not turning back. She followed me into the bedroom.

"And stop calling me child. I'm literally twenty four years old. I'm fucking pregnant for fucks sake. I'm not a child you're just old."
"Oh so this is how it is, your husband goes away and you're as cruel as you truly are. Bet he has no idea what he's gotten himself into."

I tried to suppress the anger.
"You probably talked me up to be some witch." She's not wrong I thought. "But he'll have no idea how I raised you and your sisters all on my own, doing back breaking work."
"You worked in the Co-op!"
"7 days a week. And I did it while pregnant! Twice!"


While Timmy made the dinner my mother read the newspaper (as requested) in the baby's room. The room had nothing in it apart from the quilt, blankets and pillow for my mother to sleep on, a chair that we brought in from the dining table and paint swatches of green, yellow and pink on the floor.

I stood talking to Tim as he made dinner.
"I had no idea she was gonna stay baby. I didn't even want her to come and visit- this, this is a nightmare."
I said as I lent against the kitchen wall.
"Look babe, I know it's not ideal and you're mother isn't the warmest of people-"

"You're telling me."
"But we can cope for a week. Huh?" He put his hands on my hips for a moment leaving the sauce unstirred.
"I just need my best girl to not get stressed, it's bad for her." He gently caressed my bump.
"Okay I'll try. But if I feel like I'm gonna explode I'll say 'orange juice' or something so y'know I need help."
"Sure thing babe." He said kissing my forehead.

A/N: So the title is from that whole thing in songs where people call a woman Mrs. Jackson after y'know Janet. Idk why it's a thing but I thought it was cool so. Also thanks everyone for commenting and voting I really appreciate it :))

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