Night Out in the City

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Song - Tell you no lie by Floorplan

Finally I got a job. It wasn't much, a small little coffee shop was looking for waitresses and I applied. It's not far from the apartment but I'm really happy I've finally got something to put toward the bills.

Timothée thought, as a celebration, me him and Mike could go out - it also meant I'd get to know Mike and maybe feel more at home in the city.

"Wait, Mike that took you to a casino 3 days before our wedding?" I asked when he brought it up.
"Yes," he laughed. "He was also my best man."
"I know it's just-"
"Do you think he likes me?"
"Of course he likes you. Listen come out tonight, you haven't got an opportunity to get to know him yet."


Mike led us to this red lit bar with loud shitty music. We got to the bar and without even asking he ordered 3 beers.
"There you go y/n." He passed me the bottle.
"Thanks." I smiled politely. "So what do you do Mike?"

"I work at a bank."
"A bank?" I said trying to sound interested.
"Yeah it's not the most interesting job in the world but it pays the bills."
"You should see Mike's apartment." Tim interjected. "He's got this amazing white sofa, leather."
"Sounds nice." I smiled
"Yeah, got it for half price so you know that's good."

The conversation lulled dully.
"Hey why don't we go dance." Said Tim grabbing my hand.
"Let's!" Said Mike enthusiastically.
The music was bass heavy and I didn't like it at all. Clubs were different here.
I still tried to dance as if I was enjoying myself, starting to loosen up with Timothée there for comfort.

As the night went on and the music pounded Timothée and Mike threw back the drinks. It was starting to occur to me why he was so wasted the night he came back from the casino.

"Timmy let's do vodka shots. You want one y/n?"
"No no I'm alright I'll just stick with"
"Suit yourself."
I watched Tim get roaring drunk and it put me off drinking with them, so I paced myself. I wasn't being a prude I just knew with my little body I'd not be able to handle that.

About half twelve Mike suggested we go somewhere else. Fuck knows where he was leading us but we were both drunk enough to follow.
"Hey there he is." Mike pointed to a tall guy in dark clothing at the side of a club bursting with music.
Me and Tim had no idea what was going on so we fell into our own conversation while Mike chatted to the darkly clothed man.

"You look so sexy." Timmy slurred.
Okay maybe it wasn't much of a conversation.
"This dress is so pretty." He tugged on the bottom of my shirt red velvet dress.
"Yeah, you like it?"
"I love it!" He got close to my face and kissed my nose.
I giggled.

His face fell all of a sudden.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
His cheeks bulged and the next thing he was throwing up on the street. I pat his back.
"Oh shit babe."
When he'd finished I wiped his mouth, he was too drunk to care.
"I think we better get going home."
Just then Mike came over with a little white sandwich bag in his hand held triumphantly.

"What's that?" Tim asked.
"Weed." He said nonchalantly, my eyes went wide. Mike pulled out a rolled weed cigarette from the bag.
"Oh my god it's already rolled!" Timmy laughed. Mike joined the laughter and lit the joint.
"Hey Mike, Timmy's just been sick I think we better get-"

"You don't wanna leave do you Tim?" Mike asked looking directly at Timothée. He looked blankly for a moment then shook his head.
"See?" Mike said rudely, I was starting to not like this guy.
"You want a hit Tim?" He presented the joint near Timothée's face.
"Nonono, he doesn't." I moved his hand away.

"Yeah I do!" Tim interrupted.
I looked at him with warning.
"You're too drunk baby we should go home." I said calmly. I then grabbed his hand and it was swiftly hit off by Mike.
"Hey woman stop trying to control my friend!"
My face went bright with anger.
"Ohhh don't call her woman man." Timmy warned.

"I'll call her whatever I damn well please." Mike turned to me and started pointing. "You know what woman? Me and my friend are gonna stay out and smoke a little weed and you can go home and be a prude in your own apartment!"
I looked at Tim waiting for him to say something, he looked helpless and his mouth remained shut.

I groaned angrily and stormed off into the night. Tim tried to chase after me but Mike's hand in front of his chest stopped him.
"Let her go man."


Around 1 I was sitting on some curb balling pathetically. A woman came and sat next to me.
"Hey are you alright?"
"No." I said miserably.
"What happened?"
"I had a fight with my husband and I left him but I've only been in the city a month and I don't know where our apartment is!" I sobbed.

"Oh darling." She put her hand on my back and rubbed it consolingly.
"I don't know how the fuck you've not been robbed yet." She said.
I laughed and she extended her hand.
"I'm María."
"Do you know your address y/n?"
"Okay." She helped me up. "I'm gonna help you find your place."


When we arrived at the building I gave her a hug.
"Thank you so much!"
"No problem, us girls gotta stick together."
I smiled. "Hey can I have your number? I could really use a friend in the city."
"Of course." She pulled out a pink sticky note from her bag.

I gave her a confused look.
"I always carry one around in case I meet a cute guy- I've got a terrible memory with numbers."
We shared a laugh and I went into the building.

When I got in Timmy was passed out on the couch. I put a blanket over him and went to the bedroom and fell asleep.

A/N : I'm starting to get a New York plot line going here woo.

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