Record store

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Song - Champagne supernova by oasis

Me and my roomate, Lois, came crashing into my apartment laughing after our lunch together.

"Babes you gotta call Kerr and tell him that story it's hilarious!" She jumped on the brown worn couch.
"Yeah," I laughed "Hold on I'm gonna check my messages first."

You have one new message :

Hey, y/n it's Timothée . . . from the other night. I was uh wondering if you wanna go out tonight? Let me know if you're free. Okay bye.


Lois' eyes widened; "Who's the American?" She said perking up.
"He's just some guy I met at the bar. He's from New York and he's a photographer." I smirked.
"Aw babes tell me what does he look like!" She exclaimed excitedly patting the couch for me to sit next to her.

I obliged. "He's tall, he has long curly black hair," I spoke with my hands somehow it made me feel more expressive. "He works for the New Yorker!"
"The newspaper?"
"Woah, he sounds interesting. I think you outta call him back."
"You think?"
"Fuck yes look how giddy you are just talking about him!"
"Okay okay," I smirked standing up.

I dialled in the number the message left.
He picked up. My face fell I wasn't prepared for this.
"Hello?" I tried to conceal my uneasiness.
"It's y/n f-from the bar."
"Hey." This time his voice sounded happier.
"I got your uh message." I twirled the phone chord. "Um I'm free tonight around . . . seven."
"Oh that's great I'll pick you up then." I could feel his smile.
I told him my address subtly hearing him scribble it down.
I put down the phone and squealed with excitement so did Lois.

I hadn't had a date, a formal date not just casual sex, in a long time so I overthought my outfit a lot.
Eventually I settled on a black pinafore dress, a black and white striped turtleneck underneath, fishnet tights and Mary Jane shoes. I pulled back my wavy hair in a pony and smothered myself in rose scented perfume.

Seven rolled around and I heard a knock at my apartment door. I peeped through the hole and saw him standing there. His hair was messy. He had on jeans, a grey t-shirt and a black blazer.
In his hand was a bunch of pink flowers. He swayed on his heels and twiddled with the silver ring on his finger.

I opened the door.
"Oh hey uh these are you." He smiled thrusting the flowers toward me eagerly.
I accepted them.
"Thank you. A man's never given me flowers before." I said putting them on the coffee table and walking back to the door.
"Really? I've always done that." I shut the door and locked it.
"I think it's very nice that you do." I smiled.
"So where are we going Tim?"

"Um there's this place across from my studio . . . Valarie's?"
"Oh yeah I've been in there. Burger place right?"
"Yeah I had lunch there yesterday."
We started to walk down the stairs.

He opened the restaurant door for me and we found a table setting for two in the corner.
"You look really pretty." He said as we sat down.
"Thank you, you look really handsome. The blazer top combo - I like it."
"Thanks. The flowers aren't too weird are they? I don't wanna seem too foward."
"Nono just a surprise that's all. Don't worry about it."

"So how long have you been in dyed red?"
"You remember the name of my band." I said impressed as I told him once when we were both drunk.
"Yeah of course."
"We've been together for 3 years. I met all the girls at the bar; Nat, Flo and Jules."
"So you play like rock music I'm guessing?" He took a sip of water.
"Yeah, what type of music do you like?" I felt I was talking about myself too much.

"Um well I'm from New York so I love rap and hip hop it's everywhere you look in New York."
"That's cool who's your favourite rapper?"
"Probably biggie smalls."
"You don't know who biggie smalls is?" He looked shocked.
"No sorry." I laughed
He took a big breath of excitement.
"Oo girl I'm gonna put you on some good shit."
I laughed at his enthusiasm.
"Who says I'm gonna like this biggie smalls?"

"Oh you will he's fucking great." He was loosening up now and the awkwardness seemed to die away.
"Hey there's a record store a few streets down. . .we could go and I'll pick something for you and you can pick something for me."
"I like that idea."

Again, he opened the door of me to the record store.
He grabbed my hand and led me to the hip hop and rap section.
He started flicking around looking for Biggie Smalls' album.
"Ah here." He pulled out a white album.
"Ready to Die. The title track is my favourite." He handed it to me and I read through the track titles on the back.
"Looks promising."
He leaned forward smirking; "We can listen to it back at my place if you want."
I raised my eyebrows; "Okay . . . but gotta find you an album too." I smirked.
"Ah yes."
"Do you have the new oasis album or should I-"
"Who are oasis?"

I gasped dramatically making him laugh.
"Only the greatest band in the world. Oh I'm about to put you on some good shit!"
He laughed.

I pulled out two albums from the 'O' bins.
"Definitely Maybe came out two years ago and Morning Glory came out in October."
"Morning Glory?" He laughed "As in a morning boner?"
"Yeah," I laughed "Don't diss the name it'll take you to another place."
I threw my hands around dramatically. He chuckled lightly.
"I like how passionate you are about music."
"I have to be . . . It's my life."

We got our records and went for a stroll. We passed where I work.
"Hey there's the bookstore I work at." I pointed.
"Oh really?" We stopped our stroll to look at it. He laughed quietly to himself.
"It's cute. Very fairytale."
"Hm, I like it. It's better than working at a fast food place or shit."

"Tell me about it I done that for two years in high school."
"No shit."
"Seriously." He sat down on a bench behind us. I joined him.
"What one?"
"Burger King." He laughed.
"Oh my god!" I laughed too. "Did it stink?"
"It wasn't the smell that was so bad but the heat in the summer was fucking unbearable. All those sweaty teenagers."

"Ew, sounds awful."
"Hey it paid." He chuckled
"Man's gotta earn a living."
"I hear that."
I looked at his profile admiring it my eyes couldn't look away he was so . . . Enchanting.
He turned and locked eyes with me.
"You're just so good looking." I said, entranced in his emerald eyes.

"You're so good looking."
I giggled and blushed, I'd never felt so weak at the knees for a guy before.
His eyes flicked to my lips then back up to my eyes. He leaned in closer and I leaned toward him, he leaned further and further and then boom.
His lips pressed against mine, parted and they locked. He opened his mouth even more and I allowed his tongue in my mouth and I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

He held my cheek as he kissed me and butterflies danced in my belly.

A:N : Hehe I like this chapter so cutesy. The next will probably be smut ;)

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