Epilogue 6 - Recalling and Remembering

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Song - Yesterday by The Beatles


"What do you think?"
"I- I don't know Jules. Don't you live in London?"
"I could get a place here."
"But what about the girls?"
"Fuck them. They kicked me out cause I said we should visit you!"

"Well a bunch of other things too but that was the last straw for them and that says something." She was being very melodramatic.
"I'll think about it." I said, calmly.
"I'll think about it!"

"Hey babe, did you buy more bananas-" in walked Timothée with Daisy on his hip. Honestly, though I was getting used to it now, initially the sight was laughable. He took the role of dad and embodied it like a serious Shakespearean actor. This man, who has fucked over twenty different people in his first twenty three years of life is suddenly a family man.
I adored it though. When Daisy was first born I struggled.

The nurse called it post baby blues and Timothée had to stop me from punching her for degrading me so. But it was hard. Felt like my world flipped. I was so grateful to have him with me, somehow always knowing how to be the perfect parent.

A smile subconsciously rose on my face as I saw him.
"Ah she's still here!" He complained.
"It may be a little longer stay than one night babe." I said turning from my chair.
He rolled his eyes; "Fine, but I'm not getting her anything for Hanukkah!"
He turned with Daisy to inspect the fruit basket.

I let out my small laugh that had bubbled up.
"But what about guitar and drums?" I continued our conversation.
"You did buy bananas!" I heard Timothée exclaim in the background.
"It's New York!" Jules said as if that was an answer. "There are literally millions of people who will audition to be in our band!"

"Don't say our band just yet."
"Cmon y/n. We'd be great together." She grabbed my hand and I retracted it.
"I've finished my cereal." I picked up my bowl and went to the sink to wash it. Next to Timothée who was mashing up banana expertly with one hand in a bowl.
"What's all that about?" He asked.

"She wants to start a band."
"With you?"
"Yeah, says she wants to move here and everything." I looked back at Jules who was drinking OJ with one hand and holding the other out to view her short, pink nails.
"You gonna do it?"
"I dunno."
"Well there's something we've got to sort out first."

"You know this kid attached to me that we're pretending is not here? She's very confused."
"Vewy confused." Daisy copied.
"Why don't you." He was already handing me Daisy. "Do some introductions and I'll finish mashing this banana."
I tickled Daisy's tummy and carried her to her chair.

As I set her down I wondered; how does one introduce a toddler to an adult. It's not the same name, thoughtful detail pattern is it?
Daisy this is Jules; Jules enjoys drinking bloody Mary's and is a bass player.
Jules this is Daisy; she enjoys shitting in nappies and the book the very hungry caterpillar.

"Daisy this is your auntie Jules."
Thought I'd go with the classic shes not your actual auntie.
"She's going to be staying with us for a bit."
Daisy looked confused as if unsure what to say or do. Who was this stranger interrupting her morning mashed banana?

"Say hello." I egged her on.
"Hewo." She barely pronounced. It was fair enough, she didn't have very many teeth yet.
"Gourmet mashed banana for princess Daisy." Timmy saved the awkwardness and awarded the bowl in front of her. She clapped her tiny hands.
"So what's it like...motherhood?" Jules asked.

"It's nice. She's in a really cute time so we're just enjoying that. Well, apart from all the shitting."
"Language." Timmy warned.


We'd went a walk, just through the neighbourhood. Daisy in her pram me pushing her and Jules wandering at my side. Timothee was editing photos in the house on our blocky computer.

"Remember when we used to roam the streets of London out our faces in search of song inspiration." Jules recalled. I laughed.
"We did get some of our best songs from the winding roads..."
"Round Paddington station." She joined in the lyric and we chuckled together.

"It's been a long time since I've sang with my rock voice mind you."
"Ah yes, your true love is jazz." She said sarcastically.
I nudged her.
"I always did like it."
"You had such a good gravelly voice for rock though." She insisted.
"Well I don't know..."
"Oh god, you haven't given up smoking have you?"

"Wow Jules you say that like it's a bad thing!"
"Well have you?"
"I have one every now and then but it's easier to quit when you're forced to for 9 months."
"Tell you what if I find us a banging drummer and guitarist, will you come and...have a jam session." We stopped walking.
"Only if you never call it a jam session ever again."

A/N: This ones set in December time cause I wanna do a year 2000 New Years party one.

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