Getting Used To It

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Song - Fade into you by Mazzy Star
Warning - Sexual context at the beginning.

Saturday evening around 2am. The only light in the room was from the window, but even that was minimal. The bedsheets were crunched at the side of our bodies and Timothée's fingers traced my naked figure.

"But even when I get a pregnancy bump." I persisted.
"I'll still love you." He said with a kiss on my left nipple.
"I'm gonna get all annoying with hormones too." I giggled.
"I'll still love you." He repeated kissing further down my breast.

"But I'll gain weight after the baby is here."
"I'll still love you." He moved his kisses to my right breast now.
"I'll still love you." He said again.
"You didn't even hear what I was about to say." I giggled playing with his hair.

"I don't have to. No matter what you do I'll still love you." He said with a final kiss on my nose.
"No matter what?" I smiled
"No matter what."
"Okay say I killed ten people." I joked.
"I'll be your defence lawyer."

I burst out laughing as did he. Then he continued to kiss every inch of my body as assure me;
You're so beautiful, you'll always be beautiful, my girl, my princess.

He made me feel pretty and loved - what more could you want from a lover?


Dear Lois,

How's everything getting along in London? I feel like I'm finally adjusted to New York. Tim's got a great new job that he adores but it also pays well- and we're gonna need it since turns out I'm pregnant! I know- a shock believe me I'm as shocked as you are! At first I was rather upset seeing how it will turn my life upside-down. However, Timmy made me see the positive aspects and now I feel quite happy about it.
Lots of love

Dear Y/n,

Congratulations are in order! Too right I'm shocked but there's no doubt in my mind you and Tim will make excellent parents. So happy for you.
In news of London...Kerr had a nasty breakup and has been round at my flat every night to weep in my arms. This would normally be fine but I've just started seeing this new guy and we can't seem to get a night together! You know what he's like- keep you updated and again congrats.
Lots of love


Turns out I was 1 month along so it was probably that date night in January where it happened. So we guessed our baby would be here around September but I probably won't show for another while- I was glad about that. I wasn't sure weather to bring it up to Carrie at the jazz club but Timothée insisted I did.

So one Friday night when I was getting ready to sing I approached her with Timothée.
"Hey Carrie,"
"There's my superstar." She exclaimed pulling me into a tight hug.
"This is my husband, Timothée." I said introducing the pair.

"Nice to meet you." Timmy said politely.
"Oh I've seen you before haven't I?" Asked Carrie.
"Timmy comes almost every Friday but I don't think you two have formally met." I smiled.
"No we haven't. Well nice to meet you Timothée, I hope you're treating my favourite singer well." She laughed.

She turned to walk away.
"Oh Carrie hold on."
Her head whipped around.
"I've got some good news."
"Oh god you've not been swooped up my a record label have you? All my customers would miss y-"
"No I ummm...I'm pregnant."
"Oh. Oh that's wonderful!"

She hugged me tightly again while Timmy stood slightly awkwardly with hands in his pockets. But once she was off me she hugged him too, taking him by surprise.
"Congratulations. Aw what a beautiful young couple you two are! How far along are you?"

"About a month."
"Well there ya go. You and your babe are very welcome to come and sing still. I'm assuming being pregnant doesn't affect that voice!"
"No it doesn't." I laughed.
"Great now get up and sing doll."

As I went up on stage I saw how she stood by Timothée and they looked up at me with smiles. Throughout the set they shared a few sentences and I wish I could've made out what they said. But they both looked real happy and that made my set even more enjoyable.

When I got off stage, amidst the applause, I walked straight into Timmy's lips sharing a short but deep kiss. Carrie went up on stage after me.
"Ladies and Gentlemen that was the incredibly talented Y/n Chalamet."
People turned to clap again as she gestured to me at the side.

"I just found out that Y/n and her lovely husband are expecting a baby so I think she deserves a round of applause in congratulations!"
People clapped again and I clung to Timothée's body, embarrassed slightly.
"Okay and now our next performer..."
She went on.

"Hey what were you and Carrie talking about baby?" I whispered to Tim.
"Oh, she was just asking about us- where we met and such. I was quite happy to chat away to her about it."
I smiled.
"You look absolutely gorgeous tonight you know that Timmy." I said looking up into his beautiful eyes.
"Oh, speak for yourself!" He suddenly twirled me around and again our lips connected.

A/N: Just wanna say thank you to the people who vote for the chapters- it's really encouraging and lets me know y'all actually like the story.

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