Mama's Comb

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Song - Slipping through my fingers by abba (but the mamma mia version is better tbh)

Remarkably, dinner was somewhat uneventful. Apart from of course a few more jabs at me not being ready to be a mother. I'd just roll my eyes to brush her off and Timmy would rub my thigh to calm me.

Soon though around 9 we could make a sleepy excuse and go to bed. I changed into my nightie then took it off again as the heat of that day was unbearable. My hair had never been so frizzy. Timmy only wore his boxers to bed as well. Strikingly though, he fell asleep so quick it was as if he'd been hypnotised.

I however was having a bit of trouble. For someone who usually sleeps on their stomach, pregnancy didn't exactly help me sleep soundly. And the heat of summer made it worse.
10pm, 11pm, 12am - for fucks sake!
Sleep was not on the cards. I turned to my husband, snoring his ass off.

I stood and wrapped in my bed robe. Then I strode to the bathroom to splash with cold water. I looked myself in the mirror and inexplicably began to cry. I sniffled and wept into the crook of my arm. I wanted so bad to just not be stressed for everyone's sake but it was eating me up.

"Y/n?" A knock at the bathroom door then it opened.
"Darling, what's the matter?"
"I- I-" I feel into her arms and cried deeply. She shushed me and stroked my hair.
"By god, you're old frizzy lizzy. You didn't do your plaits?"
I shook my head.

There was a moment of silence.
"Want me to do them?" She said in a quiet, comforting tone.
I pulled my teary face away from her and nodded.
"I'll get my comb."

I sat on the cool tile of the bathroom and she began to spilt my hair into two sections. Gathering tap water in her palm she dampened it and combed. My tears dried as she put them into plaits.
"There." she said once she'd finished.
I sensed she was about to stand up.

"Will ya stay, just for a moment?"
"Of course darling, of course." She whispered. I relaxed into her arms.
Over the next hour we had one of those long chats we used to have. She was earnest and told me how upset she was about not being invited to the wedding and that's why she was so cruel and bitey today.

I told her that is was wrong of me not to invite her after all she'd done for me. Our hands touched, hers as always colder than mine.

"I'm sorry mama."
"I'm sorry darling, I was too cruel."
"As was I."

We both cried, the first time I'd seen her cry.

She'd asked about the day I found out I was pregnant and when Timothée proposed and when we found out it was a girl. We caught up. I learned she has a new boyfriend and that's where her fur coat came from. She said she'd send me one when she could and I told her I'd like that.


"Y/n?" I heard Timothée's voice ring out. My eyes fluttered open. I was in the baby's room on a blanket next to my mother who was also sleeping on a different blanket.
Timmy opened the door.
"Oh you're here."
I sat slowly and my mother woke up.
"I'll leave you two alone." She smiled and walked to the bathroom.

Tim sat down next to me.
"W-what happened? I thought you hated her."
"I thought I did too. But it's funny how even though we've had so many arguments and fights we can still slip right back to that."
He gave a confused look.

"I know me and my mum's relationship isn't the most healthy. But she's still my mum and that means something."
"Well I'm glad you made up." He smiled.
"Me too. I think I'm ready to be a mother."
"Should hope so you're halfway there." He joked.

I chuckled and kissed him.
"Seriously baby. Did you sleep on the floor? Cause that's not good for the-"
"Once won't kill me."
He rolled his eyes and helped me to my feet.
"Cmon let's get some breakfast."


My mother offered to take us to somewhere for breakfast. Tim was still a big uncomfortable as she was so rude to him yesterday. I urged her to apologise, she never did stuff like that. But given the emotional wreck I was last night she did.

The next few days weren't perfect. We'd quarrel and argue and she'd get on my nerves. But by the end of the week I recognised something about motherhood I'd never noticed before. I knew that a mother daughter relationship was a delicate affair and had to be treated with care. It's by no means easy but whatever happens I'll always have this beautiful bond.

The best thing about it was me and my baby weren't gonna be like me and my mother. Or anyone and their mother. I get to have my own personal relationship that is that deep and complex, I was more ready than ever.
This week although I didn't want my mother here at all, initially, was definitely needed for me to face the fears about being a mum that I'd always had in the back of my mind.

We waved goodbye to her on the porch that day and a single tear rolled down my cheek.

A/N: Last one for today but hope y'all enjoyed this little mini sub plot. Also writing this was low-key a bit of therapy for me :/

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