May 1996

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Preface - welcome! This is gonna be a multiple part story. It may include smut at some points but I'll put warnings at the start of the chapters. :)

Song - Supersonic by oasis

Music blared as I entered the bar. I saw my friend, Kerr, across the room and I swaned over to him past the sweaty bodies. It was around 11pm aka prime time to go out and get drunk at a rock bar.
"Hey! What time's your band on?" I shouted over the pulsing drum beat that filled the air.
"About thirty minutes. You want a drink? I'll buy."
"Fuck yeah, you know what I like."

A couple minutes later I had my vodka coke in hand as me and Kerr chatted about his band. Soon he had to go start getting ready so I was alone. I sat down at the bar wondering how I could fill my time before I had to cheer him on. A few stools down there was this guy, strong jawed, messy black hair and an aquiline profile. For one; he was alone that's always interesting and two he was just my type.

"Hey," I bumped up beside him.
"Oh hey," I was hit with an American accent abruptly.
"Uh yeah I'm from New York." He extended his hand. "Timothée."
I met his hand with mine.
"Y/n. . . So Timothée from New York how'd you end up in a bar in south London?"
I enquired.
"Business. . . Kinda I'm a photographer. I work for a newspaper ."
"Oh that's cool. What newspaper?"
"It's American I don't know if you'll have heard-"
"No harm in telling me."
He sighed "The New Yorker."

"Oh well I've never heard of the New Yorker." I said sarcastically laughing.
"I didn't wanna seem braggy."
"Hey brag away I don't give a shit."
He smiled. "So what do you do why are you here?"
"Well I'm in a band but I have a part time job at a bookstore. . . bills y'know."
He nodded. "Um and I'm here because my friend's band is playing tonight."
"Have they played yet?"
"Nope, they're on in ten."
"I'll stick around then, see if this band's any good."
"Trust me they are I taught Kerr guitar."
"You play guitar in your band?"
"I sing but sometimes I play guitar."

"Always wanted to play guitar." He thought aloud.
"It's not that hard really once you know the basic chord you can pretty much play anything. . .so how long are you here for?"
"A year."
"That's quite long for business."
He sighed, "Yeah I know, I don't even know anyone here."
"Well you know me know."
I smiled at him.
"Oh hey look they're coming on."

"Ladies and gentlemen; Growth Spurt!"
Everyone began to cheer and I saw Timothée's face twist.
"I know, gross name, I tried to tell him to change it but he was adimit."
Timothée laughed.
"This first one's called fight!" The lead singer shouted. Drums kicked in, guitar and bass filled the air.
"C'mon New York let's go dance."

I grabbed his wrist and led him to the dance floor. We jumped to the pounding beat of the song; he seemed a little nervous and unsure of himself at first but he soon loosened up. I swayed my hips and flipped my hair from side to side getting moved by the sweaty crowd. I started to lose sight of Timothée so I made my way back to him twirling myself in his direction.

I grabbed his hands and focused on dancing with him. He carried an air of awkwardness that wasn't contagious more adorable. The song finished and we clapped. Another began and we swing right back into the dancing.
"How do you have so much energy?" He shouted over the music.
"What? I do this every weekend!"
"Yeah, when I'm not playing my friends are!"
"You play here?"
I nodded while I danced.
He looked impressed. I smiled and we continued to dance.

At roughly quarter to midnight the band's set finished and me and Timothée trudged back over to the bar.
"Told ya they were good." I said as we crossed the room.
"Yeah but I wanna know what your band sounds like." He smirked.
"We have a set here next Friday, you should come."
"I think I will."
"You smoke?"
"I'm gonna go for one. You wanna come?"
"Why not."

We stood against the black brick and I dipped in my bag for a my cig box.
"Shit I've only got one left. Do you mind sharing?"
"Not at all."
I smirked and lit the cigarette before taking a long soothing drag. I passed it to him and he did the same.
"So you enjoying London?"
"I've only been here for three days."
He passed the cigarette back.
"Wow and you've never been here before?"
"Never been out the states before."
"Shit. That's mental."
"Crazy." I replied in an American accent making him laugh.

"What's your band called?"
"Dyed red."
"That's cool."
"Hey um I think you're really pretty."
A smile grew on my face and I turned to look at him.
"Could I um maybe get your number?" He twiddled his thumbs but still looked at me.
"Yeah," I reached in my bag and looked for a pen, I usually had one.
"Gimme your arm." He extended it.
I wrote my number along it with a X at the end.


Woo! Hope you enjoyed part one I have such a good idea for this book so stick around if you're intrigued.

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