Jazz Singer

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Song - Help Yourself by Amy Winehouse

I dragged myself out of bed this morning for my early shift. Timothée kissed up my arm gently when I sat up, beckoning me to stay with him in bed. As much as I wanted to, I had to go to work.

I hated leaving early, at least when I done my later shifts he was already at work when I left. It was so hard to pry yourself off something as beautiful and addictive as his lips.

Around 0930 some woman sauntered in with a large poster under her arm. I was behind the counter at that time taking coffee orders. She had short brown bobbed hair, wide hips and a few wrinkles here and there.

"Excuse me?" She said. I
"How can I help you?" I smiled, despite my tiredness.
"Do you put up posters? I mean I saw you did I was wondering if you could put this one up?"

She pulled the poster out from under her arm.
"Of course. If you don't mind me asking what're you advertising?"
"Oh I've just opened a jazz club and we're starting to do open mics on a Friday at 7."
The idea attracted me.
"Like karaoke?"

"Well, yes. But for people who can sing well." She laughed.
"That's really cool."
"You sing?"
"I do actually, I used to be in a rock band but I love jazz."
"You should come along then, with a friend or your partner or whatever. I'll be there tonight."

"You know what I think I will come along."
"Great, I'm Carrie. You ask for me, we'll get you a good singing slot."
I smiled as she handed me the poster and swanned in her admirable effortless manner out the door.


I got a phone call from Timothée while he was at work. I was home and working on my songs trying to find a jazzy vibe.

Y- Hello?
T- Hey baby!
Y-Oh Tim how's work?
T-Good, well great actually. Listen honey I'm gonna have to work a little later tonight, so I won't be home until around nine.
Y- Oh well whatever you gotta do baby.
T- I promise it won't be like this all the time with the new job. I start next week.
Y- I can't wait baby, it's gonna be great for the both of us.
T-Yeah. Oh I gotta go see you later baby, I love you.
Y- I love you too.

So that settled it I was going to the club by myself. Yes, I could've took maría but I liked the idea of exploring it myself anyway.
The place was beautiful, spanking new, exposed brick, gold speckles everywhere and a small, cosy stage with a single gold coloured mic.

I asked for Carrie as promised and soon the small, wide woman appeared.
"You're here! Fantastic! You got songs um..."
"You got songs y/n?"
"Yeah, great. Well get you on at ten past the hour. Oh I'm so excited, come watch my nice is on in a few."

Carrie's nice looked like a fresher version of her and had a beautiful singing voice. I smiled watching her suddenly feeling a bit anxious about my set. However, when the time came and the club lights were in my eyes the words flew out of me in a gorgeous melody- it was like falling in love with music all over again.

The applause was heaven in my ears again, along with the many compliments. Around 9pm I left being told I was;
"Very welcome to come back next Friday."
I felt so happy, I got a bit of my personality back again.

But when I stepped into the apartment happiness fell away from me. Timothée was sitting on the couch, head in hands. He looked up at me and wiped his face trying to conceal that he'd been crying.
He stood and hugged me tightly.
"Oh y/n, you're okay." He cried.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I said worried.
"Cause it's late and I came home and- hey why are you all dressed up?"
"I uh, I went to a jazz club."
He looked at first like he didn't believe me so, I told him about the lady from the restaurant this morning.

"Oh," he sighed. "Could ya just tell me next time, if you're going out- I don't want you out on your own. New York is dangerous baby." He played with my hair while he spoke.
"I know, I know. It was stupid of me not to tell you where I was going."

"I just worry easily. Like you're a grown ass woman I know that."
I laughed.
"But I care for you so much. I don't want anything to happen to you." His forehead touched mine.
"I'm sorry baby." I whispered.
"It's okay, cmon let's go to bed."


Before we fell asleep I told him all about the jazz club. He seemed excited for me and promised to be there next Friday for me performing. Our little life in New York was just folding together quite nicely.

A/N : idk how I feel about this one- it's sorta rushed at the end maybe? Idk.

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