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Warning - this is basically just smut

Song - adorn by Miguel

At the time, I was a very easily awoken person. Being six months pregnant kinda did that to you. I didn't know exactly what time it was but our room was pitch black so I wasn't guessing 9am. Timmy was real close to me and light moans where coming out of his mouth.

He had one leg loosely swung over me and was subtle grinding against me.
"Mm y/n." He moaned in a whisper.
This was unprovoked and I was slightly annoyed. We hadn't had sex in a while, mainly because the more pregnant I got the less comfortable I felt with it.

He said he was fine with that, so what the hell was this? I turned my head a little and noticed his eyes were shut and it became obvious to me- he was sleeping.
"Timmy." I whispered and stroked his arm that was draped over me.
"Hm?" He stirred and awoke.
"What's wrong babe?" He groaned I'm a sleepy voice.

"You were kinda..."
"Kinda what?"
"H-humping me." I said in an embarrassed whisper.
He laughed a little.
"Sorry baby," he said rolling away onto his back. "Good dream."
I shut my eyes again, this time facing him.

They fluttered open just a little and I noticed something. Timmy's hand was in his boxers moving around down there.
"Babe, are you jerking off right now?"
I asked with a light laugh.
"No. I'm just..."
"Playing with yourself?" I asked through a laugh.
"Well, yeah. Unless you want to do something else?" He said with a cheeky smile.

I thought about it for a moment.
"Na, I don't feel very sexy at the moment."
"What?" He said melodramatically.
"Your tits look amazing in that nightie."
"What, I can't compliment your tits? I married those tits!" He continued to joke.

I couldn't stop laughing and eventually seeing me laugh made him too. He nestled his head in my neck laughing but soon turned into kissing.
"Cmon I'm still hard."
"Can I at least jerk off and kiss you?"
"Damn you are fucking desperate."
He nodded vigorously.

"Okay then."
"Fuck yes." His hand immediately shot back down to his boxers and he was once again playing with his dick.
He kissed me with tongue and squeezed my breasts with his free hand. He let out hot, breathy moans and he bucked himself into his fist.
"Fuck babe," he said in between kisses.

"I'm gonna fucking- uh!" He moaned an almost falsetto note and I tried my best not to laugh at the strange tone as he came into his hand.
"Shit." He said.
"Damn baby, there's so much." I added.
"Well I haven't had sex in like two months." He explained.

"Has it been that long? Fuck baby I'm sorry."
"It's alright." He said as he flopped back on his back. "I get why you don't want to while you're this pregnant."
I stared at the ceiling feeling bad about how I'd neglected my man.
"Once the doctor let's me. I'm gonna make sure we have sex at least twice a week."

His brows raised.
"Yuh huh, and I'll do it any time you want it."
"Really?" He said with even more enthusiasm.
I nodded.
"God I love you."


"There's cum all over the fucking sheets!" I complained.
"What?" Timmy rubbed his eyes awake.
"Get up. Ugh I washed these yesterday!"
He jumped of the bed which sheets were already being stripped off.
"Couldn't you have came into something?"
"Believe me I wanted to."

A/N : This is a short one but I was in the mood for more smut but wanted to keep it in a way that felt natural to the storyline.

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