Deflect- Part 3

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"How many times must you kick me in the chest?" Evan stood from sitting on the ground rubbing his chest.

"I already told you, it's his go to move. If you can't learn to dodge it then you're useless." I wiped the sweat from my mid-drift.

"How much longer will we need to keep this up?"

"Till you can block me without struggle. If you can't block me then you will not be able to block him and he'll kill you the second he gets a chance."

"You're teaching me defense, can you teach me some offense?" He removed his shirt and tossed it to the side.

"It would be pointless. If you can't defend yourself against him. When you learn to defend properly I'll teach you offense."

"How can I hit him if I only know offense?" He pouted and crossed his arms.

"You won't I'm going to show you how to defend yourself and when you're defending I'll be the offender to Mikhelin." I rolled my eyes. "If you can defend yourself it means I won't have to be putting myself at risk to protect you from his physical attacks."

"Fine. Come at me." He seemed more determined then before. Not holding back I jumped into action and fought him with all the moves my brother knew.


"WATCH IT!" I screamed after ducking from a ball of fire Evan threw at my head.

"You're supposed to catch it. If it's coming to your face you'll have a better reaction to catch it." He smriked and rubbed the bruise on his chest.

"I never learned anything about balls of fire! How am I supposed to catch it if I don't know how to summon one?"

"Well, it's the same as your defensive training. If you can't catch it then you have no reason to be making them."

"Double standards I see. Alright. try it again." I tied my hair back and got ready for another attack. As a ball of flames came crashing towards me, I took a breath and attempted to catch one only to burn my hand.

"Are you alright?" He ran towards me and grabbed my hand.

"It's alright, I'll get used to it." I looked to see only small burns on my left hand.

"Maybe I should show you how to properly hold one." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Didn't I already say that?"

"So we both need to learn some offense in order to learn defense." He traced his finger over the burn barely touching my skin. His fingertips made my heart pound. When he took his hand away I found myself longing for his hand to hold mine once more.

"Was it really necessary to burn my hand in order to teach me a lesson?"

"With your thick skull, yes it was. However, it's not burnt anymore." He smirked and grabbed my hand holding it up for me too look at it. With amazement in my face, I saw it was gone.

"Thick skull? Excuse me? Did you just call me dumb?" I pulled my hand back and stepped back.

"Apologies. I just meant to say you're stubborn."

---Evans POV---

"Thick skull from where I come from means stupidity. I'm not sure about where you're from." She crossed her arms and cocked her hip to the side.

"I apologize. That was not my intention." I stepped back giving her space. It was clear I offended her.

"It's fine. Can you show me how to make one of those fireballs?" She grinned. That grin that made my heart want to explode.

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