Plan《Chapter 9》

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Warning! blood and murder!


After eating the soup and bread, you excused yourself from the table, walking over to one of the windows.

You opened the lock, pushing the two little doors open. You had a good veiw of the little town, looking down at some people before spotting a suspicious old man. He was looking Different ways, making sure no one was looking at him, before stealing a jewelry from one of the stands without anyone noticing.

He walked slowly though a small alleyway, as you scoffed at him.

You closed the windows, before walking over to grab your cloak and satchel, then opening the door.

"hey, where you go-" kirishima got cut off by the door closing behide you.

You stuffed the cloak into your satchel as you walked downstairs, going out the Building and following where you saw the man. You walked into the alleyway he went in, putting the cloak over your body to cover your identity. You found the man, holding a knife to a women's neck, as he kissed her body all over. The women's mouth was muffled, as tears fell from her eyes, while the man was about to remove her clothing untill you stopped him.

"leave her alone!" you yelled in a deep voice, sounding like a man.

The man turned back to face you, seeing you with a hooded cloak he had seen on wanted papers.

"t-the cloaked assassin" he trembled.

He was in a dead-end alleyway, trapped.

"drop the knife" you said, walking closer to him.

"o-ok" he shivered, dropping the knife.

you walked up to him, as he was focusing on your face, trying to figure out what you looked like.

"run" you said, moving out of the way.

He nodded, running away. but as he ran, You shot out a blade, piercing him in the heart, as he dropped down to the floor. You looked back at the women, not letting her see your face.

You removed the cloth from her mouth, as she shivered and cried out quietly.

"dont you tell anyone about this, got that?" you told the women.

She nodded.

"be safer next time" you walked off, going to take the piece of jewelry from the mans pocket.

"hurry up" you said to the women.

She ran, and ran away from you and the dead body.

you felt a presence watching you, so you looked to your right, to see both bakugou and kirishima staring at you in shock. Mainly Bakugou.

You took off your cloak, putting it back into your satchel before returning your voice back to normal.

"whats wrong?" you asked.

You walked out of the alleyway, leaving the two boys behide. You passed by the booth the man had stole from, and returned the jewelry without anyone noticing.

Then, you walked back to the Building you guys were staying at, going upstairs and into your room. You closed the door behide you, as you went to sit down on your bed. Not to long, the boys opened the door and walked in looking at you.

"stalkers much" you scoffed.

"tch" bakugou let out.

"why'd you kill that man?" kirishima asked.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now