Snow《Chapter 23》

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You had all finished packing, before heading towards the door outside.

You pulled out your map from your satchel, before announcing which way to go.

"Kirishima, transform, then fly over towards the guards to catch their attention. After, you'll fly that way to reach two towns over" you pointed towards the direction of your desired path.

He nodded, before stretching his arm's, and transforming into his dragon form In a graceful, yet rocky way.

Like all the other times, he out stretched his wings in a railing postion for you three to climb onto.

Bakugou sat beside you, as sero sat on your other side, all three of you sitting on Kirishima's dragon back.

The wind blew stronger as Kirishima flew up into the sky, before more air dashed across your face as he took a sharp turn towards the guards direction.

Wind howling as the sky became colder, and the feeling of the cold breeze underneath your clothes and cloak, scaling up like a snake slithering upon it's surface.

You shivered at the chill, before moving your hands to rub against your arms and shoulders in an act to warm yourself up beneath your covered body hiding behide your cloak.

Shout's began to be heard ringing threw your ear's as Kirishima flew over the guards. They had recognized the gaint flying beast, the same one who took off with you and helped with your escape.

"get em! follow that dragon and return the princess!" one of the men shouted threw a horn.

Once again, Kirishima took another sharp turn, making sero have to hold onto you from the sudden movement of turning.

"ⓢⓞⓡⓡⓨ" he Apologized after letting go once he was stable again.

"ⓘⓣ'ⓢ ⓞⓚ" you shrugged, looking at him with eye's of comfortableness.

He smiled, before feeling a soft and cold sensation against his nose, before it melted as soon as it landed.

You both looked up, realizing snow had began to fall, softly landing on the ground below as the guards had now began to worry.

If snow blocked their path, they'd slow down and lose your track. if not the snow, they'd have to rest their horses and sheild them from the cold.

With the sudden fall of snow, the temperature began to do the same, falling slowly but noticeable as you gripped your cloak closer.

Kirishima somehow noticed, before radiating off heat from his body, not enough to burn you all, but to atleast help with the cold, before you all started shivering.

"thank you Kirishima" you spoke, as he let out a soft growl.

With the sound of his growl, came the vibration of it, as his heat slowly started becoming warmer and somehow, comforting with joy.


Nightfall appeared, as the snow showed no sigh of stopping just yet.

With all the flying, Kirishima was able to pull ahead and lose the guards, as well as passing by a town, before flying in the middle of a Forrest while the night followed.

Kirishima began to grow tired, before looking around for a cave nearby the mountains.

He successfully found one, before flying towards it.

The cave was high up from the ground, but seemed a bit smaller then him, his dragon form atleast. As he approached closer, he sniffed the air, making sure the cave wasn't already claimed by another creature. luckily it wasn't.

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