Shelter《chapter 6》

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"wakey wakey!" mina shouted in the morning.

Yesterday, you all juat traveled fairly quiet, listening to the sounds of nature, but mina, kaminari, and kirishima were the ones to break the silence, with the exception of jirou and ojiro making small replies. bakugou only spoke when shouting at them all to be quiet. Thats how all of the day went by, untill night fall appeared and you all slept. But now it was morning, and mina woke you guys up, besides ojiro who was also up with her, only he respected people's sleep.

you sat up from the hard ground, rubbing your eyes befor standing up to pop your back from the uncomfortable position you slept in.

kirishima also woke up, with a tired yawn, he sat up, putting his arms into the air stretching as he squeezed his eyes shut. kaminari started to sit up aswell.


"oww" kaminari yelped, due to kirishimas gaint wings being spread out, knocking the blonde back down from his sitting position.

"oh, sorry about that man, i didnt see you there" kirishima Apologized.

"nah, its ok, its happened before" kaminari rubbed his nose.

Snice kirishima was a dragon, the others knew he would know mina was a dragon aswell. Thats what kaminari was referring to, because mina has accidentally slapped him with her wings as well.

Bakugou grumbled, getting up and popping his back. He walked over to mina with a frown, lighting up an explosion in his hand.

Mina yelped, running over To you, hiding behide you.

"help me" she begged, grabbing your shoulders.

"i dont like physical touch" you said monotone.

she let go of your shoulders as bakugou walked closer. You looked at him, putting your hand out, making him stop to now glare at you Instead. with your hand out, you spawned a blade from your hand, just barly stoping infront of his chest.

"you cant hurt someone just because they woke you up" you stated, glaring back.

"who the hell said i was gonna kill her" he scoffed.

"i was just gonna put her to sleep for the rest of her life" he added.

"tch, thats basically the same thing" you replied.

"so what?" he asked.

"looks like someone gets grumpy in the mornings" kaminari commented.

Jirou used her earphone jacks to blast his eardrums, making him yell out in pain.

"that hurt!" he shouted at the smaller girl.

"next time think before you talk" she responded.

You sighed, looking back at the ash blonde in front of you, not having Enough energy right now to keep the blade there, making it disappear as you put your hand down.

"lets just start traveling again, the faster we get to the next town, the faster we can have a place to sleep and relax at" you advised.

bakugou scoffed, walking off towards the direction of the nearest town. Mina sighed, as she thanked you for protecting her. you nodded, and started walking off, as the others followed you.

bakugou walked in front, kirishima next to him telling him things to get him to calm down. Mina, kaminari, and ojiro walked behide, in the back, as you and jirou walked in the middle.

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