Clean up《Chapter 17》

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Stop hate crime's! This world is becoming to toxic and kids growing up shouldnt have to face all this hate Or be ones giving hate!

Stay safe guy's, it's a cruel world.


As everyone walked back to sero's house, they held conversations about different thing's, till seeing they made it to their destination before the sun started setting.

"man, feels good to be back in a house again" Kaminari commented.

"i feel ya!" Mina commented.

As the other's continued talking as they sat down on the couches, you noticed Bakugou still needed to treat the wounds you gave him.

you sighed, before grabbing his wrist and dragging him upstairs.

"hey, what the hell" he spoke shocked.

"just shut up and follow me" you continued to drag him upstairs before leading him inside the second floor bathroom.

"sit on the Toilet lid" you commanded.

"dont tell me what to do" he spat, before doing as you said either way.

You rolled your eye's, before taking off your satchel and setting it on the sink, looking through it before pulling out a cloth and your bottle of a healing potion.

"your wounds, im going to heal them so i dont owe you anything" you spoke.

"tch, as if i need your help" he scoffed.

"dont be stubborn and just let me do this or I'll force it on you. Either way, im helping your wounds i made" you huffed.

He gritted his teeth, before turning away.

"hurry up then" he scoffed, letting it happen as he needed his wounds recovered.

You turned on the faucet, letting some water pour onto the cloth before turning it off. You squeezed some of the extra water out, before dragging the wet cloth onto his cheat as you put your other hand onto his shoulder for support. You cleaned off the dry blood from his chest, before going to clean the dry blood off of his stomach aswell.

After doing so, you moved your hand from his shoulder, to hold his jaw as you moved his face to wipe the blood off better.

As you held his face, and wiped the blood at the same time, he flinched making you stop to look at him.

"am i wiping to rough?" you asked.

He scoffed.

"im not weak" he replied.

You sighed, before positioning your hand to grab his jaw in a more soft and gentle touch, as you wiped the blood more carefully.

"you did good in the fight" you complemented out of nowhere.

"tch, i dont need your complements" he pouted.

"just shut up and take it" you huffed, moving back to the sink.

He stayed quiet, as you washed the blood off of the cloth. You squeezed the cloth, before washing it some more to make sure all the blood was out of it. Then, you squeezed all the water out again, and opened your healing bottle to dab some of the purple liquid onto the cloth.

After, you got down on your knee's, before placing your hand on Bakugou's thigh as you carefully wiped the cloth over his wound on his stomach.

Bakugou watched you the whole time, as you stayed focused with a normal expression written on your face. He would never admit it, but it felt nice to him to have someone taking care of his wounds carefully. Of course, in his castle, he had got a few wounds when training, but he never let anyone treat them but himself, or his mother when he was a child.

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