A child?《Chapter 28》

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Next morning, you had Awoke from your soft slumber.

Turning your body around to another position, you let your eyelids fall back again, slowly going back to rest.

That was until you heard heavy footsteps running across from the other room, followed by the sound of a door closing.

Getting up to check what was happening, you pulled the furs off your body, fixing your nightgown to cover up your thighs and slide back down as you stood up.

While walking towards the door, you could see Bakugou sound asleep on his side, snot bubble from his nose as he calmly breathed in and out.

Before you even made it towards the door, more running appeared before the door you were walking towards busted open.

Looking at the culprit, Kirishima continued running threw the room, heading towards the bathroom before falling to his knees infront of the toilet.

Sighing and shaking your head, you mentally scolded sero and Kirishima for the drinks their stomachs couldn't hold.

Walking out the room and into the other, you found that their bathroom door was open, able to hear the sounds of sero throwing up his betraying stomach full of last night's drinks.

Drowning out the noise, you went back to your room, sitting at the table and taking out your letter. Beganing to work on it as Bakugou continued to peacefully sleep.


"Looks like its starting to snow again" Kirishima commented as he closed the windows.

"I'm gonna take a nap, I didn't get my full beauty rest" Sero sighed.

"Gee, wonder why. Totally has nothing to do with the stunt you two pulled off yesterday" you sarcastically spoke.

"Atleast we're alive?" Kirishima chuckled nervously.

Playfully rolling your eye's, you went back to sipping your cup of water.

"Hey sero, Don't fall asleep yet" Kirishima suggested.

"Why not?" Sero asked, about to lay on his bed.

"We gotta go buy food before the markets close. Who knows how long we'll stay here, so we'll need food to keep us alive" Kirishima pointed out.

"Can't you take Bakugou with you" he tiredly sighed.

"Leave me out of this tape arms!" Bakugou scolded.

"You know this town better then all of us, and speak the language" Kirishima pointed out.

"Right, come on" Sero got up, gesturing towards the door as he put on his shoes.

As Kirishima and sero closed the door behide them, you and Bakugou were left alone.

Looking at the water you had left in your cup, you boredly blinked, before looking over at Bakugou who sat across from you.

"We never finished our conversation yesterday" you stated.

"Huh" Bakugou looked up at you as you stared back at him.

You remembered.

Bakugou's whole mood changed knowing you remembered to continue the conversation later on. It was that small little detail that made Bakugou the slightest happy, although his face never showed that emotion, but rather just looking at you with surprised eye's.

"You said we could continue the conversation next morning. It's already morning with us wide awake" you reminded.

"Tch, I know what I said" He mumbled.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now