Cook《Chapter 15》

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Hi! I will be with my family for awhile, so im gonna take a few days off from updating books. Ill be back on April 13th, 2021 to update.

Stay safe, drink water, and practice self-love.💕


The next morning you woke up, getting up from your warm position as you adjusted your eyes to the sunlight coming from the windows. Even with curtains, the light still shown brightly.

As you sat up, you heard soft snoring coming from the other couch. You looked to the side, before spotting ash blonde spikes from under a blanket.


You sighed, but decided to let him sleep on. You got up from the couch, stretching to wake your body a little more.

After, you quietly made your way to the kitchen, Sitting down on one of the chairs. This wasn't your house, so you didn't want to make random food you dont know if sero was saving or something. Plus, you only knew how to hunt food and cook it due to your past, plus needing the skill for traveling. When it came to actually cooking and baking, you only knew some of the basics, like how to fry an egg, or how to cook bacon. But nothing big like making a cake, dinner, or dessert.

Snice everyone was still sleeping, you sat on the chair in silence, just looking up at the ceiling as you waited for someone to wake up.

You started thinking of different way's to use your quirk, and how you'll train it later, before your thoughts were interrupted by the ash blonde.

"what time is it" he yawned, slowing getting up as he rubbed his eye's.

"the morning" you responded.

"tch, never mind" Bakugou let out, getting up to walk towards you.

"how long have you been awake?" he asked.

"just a few minutes" you replied, moving your head to look at him.

He looked over at the kitchen stove, seeing nothing being pepared or ready. He walked over, as you looked at him.

"you hungry?" he asked, taking you by surprise.

You looked at him with a raised brow, thinking he'd tell you to start cooking for him or something.

"oi, did you not hear me" Bakugou scoffed annoyed.

you stayed quiet, looking at him with squinted eyes of suspicion.

"we should wait till sero Wake's up that way he can tell us what food's we can use or make. You cant go though somebody's kitchen without permission" you explained.

He scoffed, before sitting down in the chair next to you.

"so do you know how to cook?" you asked, closing your eye's as you titled your head back in boredom.

"of course i do" he scoffed.

"just because im a prince, doesnt mean i dont know any basic life skills" he explained.

"i was asking as a genuine question, not as an insult, but whatever works" you sighed.

"what about you, i bet im a better cook then you" he smirked.

You opened your eye's, moving your head back to look at him.

"i only know basic cooking skills in kitchens, but i know how to hunt and roast animals in the wild" you said.

"not all women have to cook. It's up to them if they wanna learn. most men dont learn just because they think all women already know, and are gonna serve them" you explained.

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