The bar《Chapter 26》

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This chapter contains mention of sexual theme's and mention of rape!

Including words like 'B*tch' and 'f*ck.'

You had all made it into the bar, the smell of alcohol instantly hitting your nose's as the Building looked much bigger on the inside.

You were still wearing Bakugou's cape, as he hadn't wanted you to take it off untill it was time to head back to the hotel, leaving the blonde bare chested walking threw the bar.

"come on, there's seat's open" Sero spoke, you all following behide him to the main counter.

The four of you sat down on the high chair's, you sitting at the middle with Bakugou and Kirishima at your sides.

"⒲⒣⒜⒯ ⒯⒴⒫⒠ ⒪⒡ ⒟⒭⒤⒩⒦?" a man with a gruff voice and long beard came up.

Sero spoke back to the man, speaking in his language before the man nodded, and went to work.

Eventually, he handed Sero and Kirishima two tall glasses filled with a type of beer, before heading back to grab two more glasses.

He returned, giving you and Bakugou normal glasses filled with clear and transparent liquid.

"don't worry, i told him to just give you two water" Sero assured to you and Bakugou.

You nodded, picking up the glass as you sipped from the container.

"hey Kirishima how about we have a contest" Sero suggested.

"about?" the red head asked.

"whoever could take the most drink's" he smirked.

"you two are gonna end up killing yourselves" you scoffed.

"im down for the challenge, let's just be careful though" Kirishima accepted.

You sighed, getting off the seat as you began walking away.

"where the hell you going?" Bakugou asked, facing you with furrowed eyebrows.

"over there" You pointed towards a corner in the Building where another counter bar was placed.

"your welcome to join me, but i'd rather be alone in my thought's" you commented.

"tch, I'll just keep an eye on you, to many perverts here anyways" he scoffed, getting out of his seat as he followed you.

You continued walking towards the other counter, while Bakugou had already took a seat in an empty chair, not to far from the bar you sat at.

You were alone at the counter, with the exception of Bakugou sitting in a empty chair a few 15-20 feet away from you.


Soon enough, a men behide the counter appeared, using a cloth to clean a glass as he spoke unknown words to you.

You assumed he was asking what'd you like, so you just shook your head, waving your hand as a signal you were alright with the water you had already.

The man nodded, going back behide a door as you stared down at your drink, furrowing your brows as you remembered why you were here.

You turned your head over to Bakugou, who was sitting down, facing towards the wall as he scowled with his hand in his pocket. His back was slumped, giving him bad posture as he looked bored, definitely not enjoying his time as he sipped on his water.

'maybe if i went over and tryed talking to him, or just doing something other then sitting, we'd both have a better time here' you thought.

You looked away from him, not wanting to be caught staring as you heard the seat next to you squeak, signaling someone had sat down.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now