Prince has returned!《Chapter 36》

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"prince Bakugou!" a loud shout interrupted Bakugou before he could say anything.

Everyone stayed quiet, laughs and conversations went out as they all looked in the direction.

It was a guard from Bakugous kingdom, surprised at the figure he had seen ahead. His majesty had finally returned.

"Prince! Prince Bakugou!" the guard ran towards said name.

"Your back! Queen and King Bakugou have been awaiting your return!" he breathed out, having now been stood infront of his future leader.

Noticing the other's with Bakugou, he couldn't tell weather to assume the prince had been kidnapped or accompanied, seeing as he was ok, he let it slide as the king stood tall.

"inform them of my return, and gather the maids to set up extra rooms for these people, then set up a feast for our long travel's" Bakugou spoke orderly, differently then his usual way of speaking.

A kings voice arose inside him, maturity showing for once in him.

"Of course sir! The kingdom isn't far from here, the gates are just ahead of that hill" The guard bowed, before turning around and using his quirk to signal the othes of the kings arrival and request.

He marched forward with a spear in hand, you and the other's following behide.

Magically, you all felt a strange force pass you all, and lights had blinded you all for a split second. You had now reached the season barrier, the snow magically disappearing with a force feild barley shown unless focused closely on.

The warm and sunny weather finally revealed itself, birds singing in the sky as the faint sound of townspeople were heard in the distance. The warm rays of sun kissed your skin, dancing along your skin as your mood somehow raised in a smile at the beautiful spring weather.


A clear path had now been shown after reaching passed the hill blocking the kingdom with trees and bushes. Now with nothing in the way, the gates of the kingdom had shown, large castle in the distance with birds flying above the sky.

Bakugou stood next to you, and Kirishima only got closer, something telling him something was watching you. Only he couldn't quite make out the sent, confusing him on why his senses couldn't work.

He looked over at mina, who also looking confused. The two shared glaces before nodding at each other. Something wasn't right, and the two being the loyal protecters they are, each went to their master's side.

The guards opened up the gates, and louder cheers erupted then you had ever heard before. Townspeople and guards were standing at each sides of the road, cheering for the return of their future leader and clearing a path directly towards the castle.

You looked over at the children and adults who had cheerful and wide happy expressions. Thats when you saw a child standing by itself in the back, smiling to themselves with a dark grin and low eyes. The child stared directly at you with only an emotion you could feel radiating off of them.


You nodded your head at the child as you kept walking with the other's. Bakugou stood in the very front, walking tall and proud. You sensed a different side to him, a strong form of pride. Not his usual ego maniac pride, but a leaders pride. The pride of a future king.

"y/n" you heard him call lowly.

His face was slightly turned back to look at you, red ruby eyes held strong to you as you noticed the small movement of his hand being held out behind his cape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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