Jealousy《Chapter 29》

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shorter chapter(⊼⌔⊼ )


Time had passed, and you had all already finished your food with time to yourselves.

While you were the only one in the other room, the little child who they now knew as 'rikko' wanted to go to you, but Bakugou hadn't let him.

He didn't exactly fully trust the child around you anymore, not after the look he gave you before at the table.

While they all did their own thing in the other room, you were messing with stuff in your satchel.

Having a certain jar out, filled almost halfway, you just needed more of a certain liquid to complete it fully in the middle.

You'd be sure to get that ingredient later, if not tomorrow morning.

Putting away the jar, you went towards the bathroom to change into your nightgown and get ready for bed, seeing as nightfall was starting to appear.


Walking out the bathroom, you walked with your satchel towards the table, before Pulling out the letter. Rolling it up, you used a string to keep it rolled, before placing the letter ontop of the table.

Sighing you walked towards the other room, opening the door as eyes were on you now.

"its late, we should go to sleep already" you suggested.

"tch, those two already beat you to it" Bakugou scoffed, motioning his head towards the two sleeping forms.

Nodding, you walked back into your room. Meanwhile, little rikko ran away from Bakugou and followed behide you.

"oi, get back here!" Bakugou shouted, getting up to chase the kid.

As you snuggled yourself into bed under the furs, you heard Bakugou shout.

looking up, you saw rikko standing at the foot of your bed with a gaint grin on his face, while Bakugou stomped towards him.

"come on, time for bed" Bakugou scoffed at rikko.

"you dont have a toothbrush, so we'll have to buy you one tomorrow" he mumbled.

"i got an extra one for him to use" you commented.

"where" he asked.

"its in my satchel, I'll get it" you got out of bed, walking towards the table.

Pulling out an extra tooth brush, you handed it to rikko as he smiled at it.

"i already brushed my teeth, and hes your responsibility so go with him" you spoke to Bakugou, before walking back to your bed.

An irk mark grew on Bakugous head at your words, but he knew you were right.

"tch" Bakugou let out, grabbing his own toothbrush and heading towards the bathroom with rikko.


After a few minutes, they came back to get ready for bed.

While Bakugou got in his, going under the furs, he expected rikko to sleep with him since he was his responsibility.

Rather then that happening, rikko instead crawled right ontop your bed, looking at you as you watched him.

"oi, get away from her" Bakugou growled.

Rikko did the opposite, instead quickly going under the furs as he cuddled close to you with a hug around your neck, making you flinch at how fast and sudden he moved.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now