Is this goodbye?《Chapter 19》

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You and Bakugou stayed quiet, sitting on the bench with a good distance as the sounds of the market people talking filled the air.

That was untill Bakugou decided to speak up.

"what'd you buy" he asked, looking away from you.

"some clothes for the winter to help keep me warm" you responded.

"i suggest you should buy the same, aren't you cold?" you asked.

"tch, im fine. Dont worry about me" he responded.

"always the same" you mumbled.

Before he could responded, Kaminari's voice called.

"we're back!" Kaminari cheered with a bright smile.

"we got everything we need, we should start heading back to the fountain to wait for the other's" Ojiro commented.

"yea, that would be best" Sero agreed.

You and Bakugou stood up, following the other's as you all walked back towards the water fountain.

"so [y/n], what were you and Bakugou talking about?" Kaminari asked curious, as he walked in between you and Bakugou.

"i was just telling him he should buy some winter clothes to keep him warm" you answered.

"ah, are you cold? I could lend you my jacket" Kaminari wiggled his brows towards you.

"no Thanks, my cloak is fine" you replied.

"all right, let me know if you change your mind though" he gave you a bright smile and thumps up.

You nodded, Thanking the bright blonde before looking back ahead.

Kaminari began to whisper thing's to Bakugou, making an irk mark appear on the spiky blondes forehead as you watched confused.

'what was Kaminari whispering?'

"will you shut up!" Bakugou shouted, catching a few eye's of the townspeople.

"Im just saying" Denki shook his head with a teasing smirk.

"eh, eh" he motioned his head towards you, still facing Bakugou.

You still watched confused at the situation.

"like hell i'd do that" Bakugou grit his teeth.

"oh well, your loss" Kaminari smiled before going back to look forward with a relaxed face.

"come on, leave them alone Kaminari, were almost at the fountain" Kirishima spoke with a soft smile.

"anyways, sero, in your books about your adventures traveling, is it true you almost lost an arm!" Kaminari awed, wanting to get the chance to talk with his idol.

"you mean in my book where i traveled to snakes empire? Of course, it was definitely a scary experience-" sero spoke, before you drowned out his voice, focusing on your plan for the time being.

For now the royal guards still aren't fully caught up yet. Thats great, i just need them on my tail for when the time comes. I just need to make sure the league of villains are also after me.

As you thought more about the plan, your thoughts came to a hault as you heard Kirishima call for Mina and the other's.

"hey guy's!" Mina waved.

"its about time, we were about to just leave you guy's" Jirou joked.

"anyways, lets get back to my house, unless you guy's wanna stay outside some more?" sero asked.

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