Thank you《Chapter 24》

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Time had passed, and Bakugou was slowly waking up. His eye's fluttering open as they felt heavy, before eventually Getting lighter and easier to open.

You looked down at him, feeling him shift, before he turned his head towards you, seeing what his head was resting on, before seeing your face, and realizing he was sleeping on your lap.

"what the hell" he gritt his teeth in shock as a small hue of pink dusted his cheeks.

"feeling better now? You would've been worse if i let you stay out near the cold. That, or you would've fallen to your death" you explained calmly with a monotone expression.

He relaxed his expression, furrowing his brows as he softly scoffed with a pout, shifting his eye's away from you. His blush still visible, but you let it slide.

"what'd you mean" he asked.

"when i woke up, you were sitting at the edge of the cave, pale from the cold and your head in the clouds. I sat next to you, and gave you my cloak to warm up, before dragging you towards the fire. Out of no where, you seemed to have fallen unconscious, and fallen on my lap. I let it slide, only because you didn't seem like yourself" you explained.

He looked down, seeing your cloak wrapped around him, before pulling it off of him, and slowly Getting up from your lap.

He put his hand to his head, rubbing it as he tried remembering what you were talking about.

The only thing he remembered was waking up, and setting up the fire, before going to sit at the edge, but thats the last of his memory.

"hey" he called, letting his hand fall back to his side.

You hummed, before watching as he stood up, his back facing you, as he moved his head towards you, showing his side veiw of his face.

"thanks" he mumbled.

"sure" you responded.

"Isn't it time for them to be awake now?" he asked.

"let them sleep, they need the rest" you spoke, turning your attention towards the sleeping form of Kirishima.

He was asleep on his back, with his arm draped over his stomach, as his other stretched out along with his wing's. He was softly snoring, with drool at the end of his mouth, and tail sprawled out.

"must be nice to sleep like a dragon" you commented.

"Heres your cloak back" he stretched his arm, letting you take your fabric.

You put it inside your satchel, before looking back at the fire infront of you.

Bakugou walked over towards the entrance of the cave, stopping at a distance to only watch the snow.

"the snow has slowed down, there's less now" he commented.

"yea, it'll probably stop in about an hour" you replied.

"that's enough time to let Kirishima and sero rest before it's time to head towards the town" You added.

"for now, let's just keep the fire going so we dont freeze to death" Bakugou turned around, walking towards you before he sat beside you.

"yea" he mumbled, grabbing a small piece of wood and throwing it into the fire, earning more crackling sounds as well as brought to life flames.


"do you think she's doing good?" toga asked, grin slowly flattering as she imagined the outcome of her doubtful thought's.

"whatever happens, we'll be sure to have a talk with her" a raspy voice spoke, scratching his neck with his nails.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now