Alone《Chapter 27》

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Eventually after searching for awhile, you and Bakugou had found Sero and Kirishima.

"Just how much drinks did these two have" you sighed.

Sero and Kirishima had passed out, faces flushed red out of drunkenness, and bodies limp on the counter.

"Tch, come on. We're gonna have to drag them back to the hotel" Bakugou scoffed, grabbing Kirishima to place him onto his back.

You nodded, grabbing sero to do the same.


After a period of time, you and Bakugou had made it back to the hotel room with both the drunk bodies. Luckily on the way, there weren't many men outside to cat call or make stupid choices.

You sighed heavily after placing Sero on his bed, removing the weight from your body as you stretched your muscles fully now.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" you informed Bakugou, as he nodded.

"Yea, I'm gonna take one to" he commented, walking towards the other room and closing the door behide him.

While he did that, you walked over to grab your satchel, before realizing you were still wearing the princes cape.

Looking over towards his room, you began removing the cape as you walked.

Opening the door, you layed eye's on him as he sat at his bed, staring down at the floor.

"Here, and thanks" you spoke, gently throwing the fabric towards his chest, as he lifted his head to look at you.

He watched as you walked away with your satchel, heading out the room before your figure disappeared with the closing of the door.

"Yea" he whispered, clutching the cape close to his face as he closed his eye's.

It smelled like you

Pulling the fabric away after realizing what he was doing, he blushed with gritt teeth, getting up to grab his sweats before heading towards the bathroom.


After finishing your shower, you dried yourself with the nearby towel, before hanging it back up and grabbing your night gown.

Slipping it on, you yawned, getting tired as you pulled your hairbush out your bag. Brushing your hair, you stared back at yourself in the reflection.

'I still need to talk with her, it's been awhile' you thought.

Sighing, you walked opening the door, as you continued brushing your hair.

Letting out the steam and fog from your hot shower, you layed eye's on the two passed out drunks.

Sero layed sprawled out on one bed, while Kirishima took up the space at the other across from him.

That leaves you to have to share a room with Bakugou, instead of Kirishima.

There was nothing bad about it, but with two awake people, and two passed out drunken ones, you were left alone with the guy you trusted the least.

Cleaning and putting away your hairbrush, you grabbed your satchel and walked barefoot towards the door connecting to the other room.

You looked down, remembering the times your mom would tell you walking around barefoot, and going to sleep with wet hair would instantly get you to catch a cold.

You playfully scoffed, knowing it was most likely a lie, but the things she told you were often believed by you, just never listened.

Shaking the thoughts away, you put your hand on the doorknob, beganing to open it as you walked in.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now