Rikko...《Chapter 33》

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Feeling Bakugou shift, you moved your head back to look at him, Seeing as his eyes were half awake.

"morning" you spoke.

"yeah" he replied, looking down at you and remembering the position you two were in.

Feeling nervous at what you thought, he Slowly removed his arms away from you, before moving his body back as well.

"thanks, i slept better last night" you stated, moving the furs down your body.

"im sorry if i caused any trouble" you apologized, sitting up at the edge of the bed.

Bakugou lay ontop of his back, arm over his chest as he missed your body warmth and contact.

"don't worry about it" he responsed.

"by the way" you started.

He looked over at you, listening to what you had to say.

You turned back to look at him, speaking with a normal but pleading expression.

"can i have some more blood today?" you asked.

He looked away, hope that you would've said something different, gone. "yea, sure"

"thanks" you nodded, before standing up to head towards the bathroom with your satchel.


For another week, this was how the day's and nights went by. During the days everything would be normal, with little comments from sero and Kirishima, resulting in a yelling Bakugou. Not only that, but secret conversations with rikko about playing out the plan.

During the night, you hadn't been sleeping well, untill you slept in Bakugous arms, with a few late night talks only putting a soft feeling in both yours and Bakugous chest. Every morning However, you'd thank him for letting you sleep with him, while he just shrugged it off as nothing to special, when in reality it ment everything to him.

Something that never left Bakugous mind, was how every night you started calling him by his given name, being more important to him as he was the only one Getting to hear, especially while you layed in his arms, getting the chance to become softer towards you.


"Ejirou, any updates?" you questioned, watching as he returned from outside the building.

You were currently playing a small game with sero, before seeing as the red headed dragon came back with the spiky ash blonde, holding a few papers in hand.

Sero noticed, taking what it could be into mind. "whats that?"

"some papers about rumors, some are in a different language" Kirishima answered, handing the papers to sero in hope he could translate.

"easy, i know this language all to well" Sero smiled, holding the papers infront to read out loud.

"say's some theories about your disappearance" he looked up at you, expression unreadable.

You cocked your brow, curious to what people had been thinking and sharing.

"some think since prince todoroki has been a runaway, you ran off with him to fall in love" he stated the first rumor, face in shock and dissapointment.

You rolled your eyes, of course there'd be something like that going on in peoples heads.

"some even think that spotted dragon is rouge, and kidnapped you with them" he futher on, explaining different rumors on separate papers and why people believed different things.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now