Protected《Chapter 25》

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This chapter will mention getting drunk. I know the characters here are 17-18, but this is a Fantasy fanfiction, so their age will not matter in this timeline of getting drunk.


"master, look!" Kirishima smiled, pointing towards a Building up ahead.

You all turned your heads towards the direction he was pointing.

"a hotel" he added, making you all reliefed to find one.

"well come on" sero grinned, walking faster towards the Building.

You all followed behide him, as he walked into the Building, with Kirishima holding the door open for you and Bakugou.

"⒣⒤ ⒣⒪⒲ ⒞⒜⒩ ⒤ ⒜⒮⒮⒤⒮⒯ ⒴⒪⒰?" a women at the front desk greeted.

"⒣⒤ ⒲⒠ ⒩⒠⒠⒟ ⒜ ⒭⒪⒪⒨ ⒡⒪⒭ ⒡⒪⒰⒭" Sero responded in the same language as the women.

The women continuing talking to sero as you and the two boy's were confused at their language.

After a few moments, the lady handed sero a key, and gave directions to the room, as sero smiled, bowing before he left, you guy's following behide.

"ok let's see, third floor, last door" sero mumbled, walking up the steps.

"Im ready to sleep" Kirishima yawned.

"no doubt you slept better and longer then the rest of us" you spoke.

"dragon thing i geuss" he chuckled, nervously rubbing his neck.

"lucky ass" you scoffed playfully.

"ok, third floor, the last door's at the end of the hall" sero announced, leading towards the direction he spoke.

You all nodded, following behide as eventually, the door appeared.

Sero put the key in, unlocking the door as you all stepped in, admiring the layout.

A gaint room, two beds with a table and chairs, while Another door had led to a different room, also having two beds with a table, while both rooms had nightstands and candle lights. Each room even came with their own personal Bathroom and decoration.

"nice" sero whistled.

"im assuming Kirishima and [y/n] will share a room" he looked over at you, as Kirishima had randomly passed out ontop a bed.

"doesn't matter who gets what room, we'll all mostly be on this side to discuss a few things or just talk" you responded.

"and all the beds are the same" you added.

"whatever, im sleeping in the other room" Bakugou scoffed, setting his stuff down on the table, before sitting down on one of the chairs.

"im gonna go check something really quick, I'll be back" sero waved, walking towards the door.

You nodded towards him, before seeing the door shut.

You turned back, setting your satchel down on the chair and removing your cloak as Bakugou looked at you with an unreadable, yet calm expression.

Both his eyebrows were relaxed, not raised nor furrowed, while his lips formed a thin line, and eye's kept looking up at you as they showed many emotions.

You noticed his stare as you placed your cloak upon the wooden chair, raising your brow at him before speaking.

"what?" you asked.

"why did you kiss me?" he calmly asked.

You sat down, before looking him in the eye's as you responded.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now