Calm down!《chapter 7》

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You finished your bath, stepping out, smelling like the royal soap you used. You drained the tub, then proceeded to Grab a towel from the railings on the wall. you used it to dry your body, before hanging it back onto the handle.

You put away the soaps, and pulled out your clean clothes you packed. You put on new undergarments, then slipped on a night gown over your head. It was a light shade of purple, and had soft silky fabric. Afterwards, you grabbed the same towel, putting it over you shoulders as you grabbed your satchel and walked out the bathroom.

"im done, you guys can bathe now" you told them, putting your satchel back onto the chair.

You grabbed the ends of the towel, using it to help dry your hair. The boys looked at you as you did so. You walked barefoot over to the middle bed, sitting down at the end as you sighed tiredly.

"its the afternoon, the sun should be starting to set. we dont know how long we can stay here, considering the royal guards still might be close and looking for me" you said.

"i'd say we have about two to three days here before we see them" you commented.

"then we'll enjoy this in the meantime" kirishima smiled, walking over to His bed.

You nodded.

"i dont think me and bakugou have any extra clothes" he said.

"here" you said, giving some gold from your satchel.

"whats this for?" he asked, as you handed him the gold.

"thats 13 gold, enough for you and bakugou to buy some clothes here" you told him.

"before you say anything, thats an order, ok?" you looked at him serious.

He nodded, before giving you a smile.

"thanks" he replied.

"should we go shopping right now? Since its the afternoon, there wont be a crowd in our way" kirishima asked, looking at bakugou.

"whatever, im staying here" bakugou turned on his side.

"alright then" kirishima said.

kirishima walked out the door, closing it behide you, leaving you alone with bakugou.

You got out a brush from your satchel, using it to help brush your wet hair. You listened to the brush strokes, as bakugou looked up at the ceiling.

"hey" he called.

You hummed, showing you listened.

"why do you kill?" he asked, his voice quite ruff.

He didn't sound like he cared much, more of just trying to buy time as he waited for kirishima. you stayed silent, debating on weather or not you should tell him. Not to long, you finally spoke.

"its a long story, and i dont feel like taking about my past right now" you said.

Reality was, you couldn't say your past untill the time was right, and everything was going according to plan. the plan was going smoothly, and it had even taken a few jumps due to kirishima and bakugou, so the only thing holding you back was the path, you still had a long way to go untill the real plan starts.

"all i can tell you, is that i only kill men, and animals, not females nor children. I've been killing men since i was 14" you lied.

You've been killing since you were young, but you used 14 as a cover up. it wasn't much of a lie, you started killing because of anger when you were 14, but younger when you were killng just to survive.

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