His Hugs《Chapter 12》

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Bakugou was gathering rocks and placing them in a circle pit for the fire, while Kirishima went off to help hunt with the other's. leaving you to walk off into the tree's to crouch down near plant's, flowers, and berry's.

You looked around, seeing a special small, bright yellow berry.

"hello, can i grab this berry?" you asked the plant.

After a few seconds, you picked the berry, placing it carefully into your satchel. Your mother had always taught you to ask for plants permission before picking them, because they had feelings aswell.

After hearing some voice's appear, you looked back to see the other's walking back with wood, as Kirishima held a dead deer.

You finished picking two more plants, before walking back with the other's as they set things up.

"hey, you look better, everything good?" Jirou asked.

"yea, thanks" you replied.

Kirishima was fixing the deer above the fire, letting its dead corpse burn to cook its meat.

"nice job hunting the deer, im sure we'll all be fed good" Kaminari smiled at kirishima.

"thanks to mina for helping me" Kirishima chuckled.

"your welcome" Mina gave a tumbs up with a bright smile, slightly warming your heart.

You sat down on the grass, in the middle of Bakugou and Jirou, as Mina and Kaminari watched with smiles on their faces, though, this time they kept their shipping to themselves. You noticed, being grateful for that.

"hey, so what's gonna happen once we get to sakura village?" Jirou asked, facing you.

"i have a close friend who lives their, you guy's may have heard of him before" you replied.

"oh, its a him, look's like Bakugou's got some competition" mina whispered to Kaminari.

He nodded back, luckily being the only one who heard Mina, otherwise She would've been blown up by Bakugou.

"and what's this friend gonna help us with?" Jirou asked.

"he'll help provide us with shelter and food, but we should'nt take advantage of him" you said, looking over at Mina and Kaminari as a warming for the last part.

They shivered.

"why are you looking at us, we'd never take advantage of someone!" Kaminari defended.

"more of, dont make messes" Jirou rolled her eye's.

"hey, come on, we can be responsible if we wanted to" Mina whined.

"you two whining already proves a different point" Jirou said.

Mina and Kaminari looked dead inside.

"so cruel" they shivered.

"hey come on, we'll all keep each other in check" Kirishima grinned, lightening the twos mood.

"Kirishima! Your to kind!" Mina and Kaminari cried, hugging him, as he only chuckled at their actions.


After finishing the meat, you stood up from your spot, as Jirou had also finished.

"man that was good" Jirou sighed happily.

"cooked to perfection" Kaminari said with gleam in his eye's.

"hurry up and eat, we still got to travel" Bakugou said.

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