Blood《Chapter 30》

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Like the title says, there will be mention of blood.


The food was Finally setup, and ready to eat.

"(y/n), could you sit next to me" rikko smiled.

"sure" you shrugged, sitting beside him.

Sero noticed Bakugou hadn't sat down yet, smiling slightly as he moved over for an open spot next to you.

Having been the only spot open, Bakugou sat next to you as rikko watched with hatred in his eye's.


"whoo, im full" Kirishima let out.

"me too" Sero yawned.

"now what do we do?" Rikko smiled.

"you guys can do whatever, but i need to have a talk with Bakugou" you looked over at said blonde, low eyes filled of no emotion and frowned lips.

"huh" he let out, watching as you stood up from your seat.

You walked over towards the other room, while Kirishima and Sero secretly teased Bakugou.

Sending death glares their way, he shut them up as he followed behide you.

Walking into the room, he layed his eyes upon your sitting figure on the bed, playing with a blade emitted from your hand.

"close the door" you ordered.

He obeyed, slowly closing the door behide him as he stared confused at you.

"what'd you want" he questioned.

"your blood" you bluntly spoke lowly.

"hah, what for" he raised his eyebrow with a growl.

"i cant tell you why, but its for a good cause" you replied.

"tch, what is it with you and hiding everything you do" he scoffed.

"like you dont hide stuff yourself" you cornered, standing up with the blade retreating back into your skin.

"thats different" he protested, Walking closer to you.

"never mind that, are you giving me the blood or not" you narrowed your eyes, face inches away from his.

He stayed Silent to your question, body tensing at how close you had gotten to him.

"either you give me some, or i take it by force" you threatened, blade suddenly emitting from your neck, tip almost poking at his.

"tch" he let out, hands in pockets as he stepped back.

The action made you realize your own.

'im supposed to be gaining his trust, not losing it' you thought.

Lowing your head slightly, you spoke before Bakugou could.

"nevermind" you mumbled.

"if you dont want to, you dont have to" you furrowed your brows, stepping away.

"hah" Bakugou stood dumbfounded.

"just forget what i said" you shook your head, knowing his trust was more important to the plan then the blood.

Especially with how close the plan Is approaching.

Walking past him, he watched confused at your sudden change.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now