Picture this《Chapter 31》

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Rikko came out the bathroom, as you had already went back into the other room.

"hey rikko, y/n told us to tell you she needed to give you something after you got out" Kirishima stated.

"really" He smiled with a blush.

Before the boys could say another word, rikko had already ran off into the room happily.

"tch, i dont trust the boy. The look on his face whenever someone mentions y/n" Bakugou growled.

"atleast you actually have a chance of being with her, y/n would never be with a kid younger than her" Kirishima assured.

"yea, you just gotta worry about actually getting with y/n. She's not the type to fall in love easily" Sero commented.

"still doesn't change the looks the brat gives her" Bakugou glared at the door connecting to the opposite room.


"what did you wanna give me y/n" rikko giggled.

"here, drink this" you handed him a small jar, which was filled with two certain liquids mixed together.

"blood!" he smiled at the red liquid inside.

"I'll get you more later, but that should be enough to keep you stable for about two days more" you explained.

He giggled, wide smile stretched across his blushed cheeks, almost connecting to his purple and low bloodlust eye's.

"few more days to go before the royal guards get here, then we can start heading for the kingdom of magic's territory" you ran your hand through your hair with a sigh.

"the plan's almost approaching, then it'll be finally complete" he opened the bottle, drinking the blood inside.

"can't wait" you mumbled, tilting your head back.

"in the meantime, it's been awhile since i went out" you spoke.

"you mean too kill" he smiled up at you.

You shifted your eyes to him, low and emotionless.



"we're leaving outside, we'll be back" you stated to the boys.

"what're you gonna do?" Kirishima asked.

You stayed quiet, putting on your cloak as rikko followed behide you.

"wait, master! I should go with you" Kirishima stood up.

"who knows what types of creeps are out there, and you having a child with you would only make you more of a target" he worried.

"come on then" you motioned your head.

He smiled, walking behide you and rikko as you left out the hotel.


"since its just us, and I've known y/n before, i could give you a few pointer's on things to help you" Sero spoke up.

"tch, like i need help" Bakugou mumbled.

"you sure? y/n would love it if you spoke her first language~" Sero started, catching Bakugou's attention.

"but" Sero sighed.

"if you really dont want her to fall for you, then i guess thats to bad" he turned around, hands on his hips as he shook his head in fake dissapointment.

"damm it! Teach me your language or else your dead" Bakugou shouted, making sero smirk.

"glad your finally taking y/n seriously" He held a tumbs up.

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