Start of the Journey《chapter 3》

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The three of you sat on some nearby logs as you ate the cooked meat of the dead chickru.

"Hey master-I mean [name]" kirishima corrected himself.

"Yes?" You replied with a raised eyebrow.

"I was wondering, snice you wont tell us your plan, can you at least tell us how long you've been planning it?" He asked before taking a bite of his meat.

"I've been planning on escaping for about three years" you replied.

Kirishima stared at you shocked but also amazed. Bakugou sat on a long across from you and stared you down.

You've been planning your escape for three years? He knew you must've worked hard to plan everything out, so you must have back up plans in case something fails.

He was right, you did work hard to plan things, and you did have back up plans, from getting lost, to having broken bones. You knew exactly what you needed to do if something or anything went wrong.

Bakugou, nor kirishima, knew your plan and that bakugou was a huge part of the whole thing. You needed to make sure bakugou was strong though, his quirk seemed impressive and he had seemed to have good control over it.

You had to make sure he could at least take someone down in a fight. Part of your plan was to find someone from the kingdom of magic, and bakugou seemed to pop right up.

You had to act as if you didn't want him on your trip, when you really did. Him traveling with you made things much easier now.

Same goes for kirishima, flying would make the trip faster, but you still need to make sure you could trust him. You were quick to make him think you did, when really, you had your doubts about him. You knew not to trust strangers so quickly.


You finished your meat and set the bone aside as You got off the log and walked over to a nearby tree. You stared off into the distance where kirishima had said he saw a waterfall. Although, you couldn't see the waterfall because of how far away it was and how many trees were in the way.

"You boys almost done?" You asked turning to face them.

"Halfway!" Kirishima cheered with a thumbs up.

"Yea" bakugou simply replied.

Kirishima was already on his fourth peace of meat as well as bakugou. The meat you had finished was your second. You turned your head back into the distance and listened to the small chips of the birds as the sunset had already passed, showing the sun shining brightly, and proudly up in the sky.

The birds sang as they danced upon the tree branches. You shifted your eyes to see a bird nest of baby birds as their mother fed them.

Mother, that's someone you missed.

You took in a deep breath as you closed your eyes remembering your mother's soft voice humming you to sleep. Not long after, that memory disappeared as bakugou spoke aloud ruining it.

"Are you just gonna stand there like an idot?" He asked coldly.

You scoffed. "Why yes, yes I am. Now back off and only speak if it's important" you sarcastically said before changing your tone to demanding.

He huffed before turning back to eat his meat in silence. Kirishima looked at him as he held back a chuckle, but the blonde could see he wanted to laugh. He pouted as he glared at the spiky red head.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now