Festival《Chapter 20》

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The next morning, the day of the winter festival, you awoke from the couch.

You yawned, and stretched, waking your body more, before getting off from the couch.

You grabbed your satchel, leaving your cloak on the couch as you made your way to the bathroom, locking the door behide you.

You set your bag on the counter, as you opened the faucet to let the water run. You then pulled out a hair-tie/hair clip/ect from your bag, before fixing your hair to move out of your face. You bent down, splashing the water on your face repeatedly, before getting up to shut the faucet off and dry your face with a towel.

After doing so, you looked in the mirror, your brows furrowing as you did so. Your thought's and memory's started rushing back in as you stared back up at yourself.


"momma, how come i dont have a papa to protect me?" your 4 year old self asked.

You hadn't received your quirk yet, and you were worried you wouldn't be able to defend yourself against the bully's you faced. Everyday you stayed close to your mother, but when school came, boy's everywhere would lift girls skirts, or pull their hair.

"my little one, remember that you dont need a man in your life to protect you" mother stated.

"men only want certain things from women. If a man protects you, it's because they want something from you, even if you never asked for them to protect you, they'll always expect something in return, those thing's are either, you cook or clean for them, or you repay using your body. So dont let a man take advantage of you" she explained.

You nodded.

"but not all guy's are bad. Hanta help's me with lot's of stuff, and doesn't expect things back" you mumbled.

"wait till he grows up, and his hormones kick in" she patted your head.

"ok momma" you replied.


You closed your eye's, the vision of yourself in the mirror, and your memory disappearing. luckily, mother was wrong about sero. You knew he was one of the men you believed was actually good, just like Kirishima.

However, Bakugou still needed to earn that spot.

You searched threw your satchel, before pulling out your toothbrush and toothpaste.

You began brushing your teeth, as the other's still stayed asleep.


"hey nice outfit [y/n]!" Mina smiled as you walked out of the room.

"thanks" you replied normally.

Your outfit was simple, a pair of baggy [color] pants with your regular boots, along with a [color] long sleeve turtle neck shirt.

As for extra, you hand a pair of [color] fingerless gloves on, and decided to take off your cloak along with the necklaces sero had gave you years ago.
[earrings optional] [scarf optional]

 [earrings optional] [scarf optional]

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