Run away《Chapter 10》

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After walking for a couple more minutes, you guys took another turn, before hearing the royal guard horses galloping in the distance.

"their coming form our left side" kirishima said.

"they should be coming from the front" you spoke.

you thought about it for some time, before remembering your plan if something like this happens.

"ok, Heres the plan" you spoke.

"jirou, you stick with me, and bakugou sticks with kirishima. they'll head towards an open area in town, which is just stright ahead, while me and jirou lead them off to follow us" you pointed.

"using jirou's and kirishima's hearing, thats how we'll talk to each other. when separated, jirou will hear what you guys say, while kirishima will here what we say" you explained.

"here" you took off your cloak and handed it to jirou.

"if they see you, then they'll set a bounty on you and hunt you down aswell, so cover yourself with my cloak" you told her.

"when we meet up with each other, we'll be running away while the royal guards chase us on horses, make sure to transform and fly us out of here kirishima" you looked at him.

"and bakugou, make sure to cover up to" you looked at him.

"yeah yea, dont tell me what to do" he scoffed.

"ready?" you asked.

They nodded.

"come on" you said.

You and jirou dashed to the left, as bakugou and kirishima dashed forward, heading to find an open area big enough for kirishima to transform.

You and jirou kept running, as jirou put on your cloak, putting on the hoodie to cover up her face aswell.

"there they are" you said to her.

The royal guards were up ahead, yelling at villagers if they had seen you. They showed the people paintings of you, as some of them nodded, saying they had seen you walking around.

You kept running, as jirou followed closely behide, until you halted to a stop.

"use your quirk to hear kirishima and bakugou" you breathed out.

"y-yea" she panted.

Jirou plugged in her ear jacks into the floor, crouching down to hear better.

"their still running, but i can hear kirishima saying he see's an open area close by" she informed.

"ok, how far are they" you asked.

"its a long run, but i think we'll be able to get there in time before the horses, but just in case, we should be a little closer before we start catching their attention and running" Jirou looked at you serious.

"right, c'mon" you said, before jogging a little futher from the guards.

"this should be fine, we need to make sure they hear me" you stopped.

She nodded.

"hey!! royal guards!! Its me!!" you shouted, catching the attention of some guards.

They noticed you, looking closer to comfirm you were the princess.

"its her!" one of them shouted.

"after her!" the leader said.

"ok, run!" you said to Jirou.

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