Let's go《Chapter 22》

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Hello again!


The next morning, the day Jirou and the other's would leave.


"I'll miss you so much!" Mina cried, as she tightly hugged you.

"you better keep your promise and find me again" You hugged her back.

"we will, dont worry" Kaminari joined the hugged with a sad expression.

"you guy's act as if It's the end of the world and she's your mom" Jirou said.

"leave us alone Jirou, we're very emotional" the two cried.

"obviously" she sighed.

"come on guy's, you cant hug her forever" Ojiro commented.

"Alright" Mina and Kaminari slowly let go of you, before going to hug Kirishima, and sero.

"I'll miss having someone like you as a friend" Jirou sadly smiled.

"yea, even though we barley knew each other for about a weak, you all still felt like family to us" Ojiro smiled.

"stop with the mushy crap!" Bakugou growled.

"don't worry Bakugou, we'll miss you of all!" Kaminari and Mina tackled Bakugou to the ground with a tight bear hug.

Bakugou growled, as the two Weren't showing any sigh of letting go yet.

"those idiot's" you and Jirou both said at the same time.

"again huh?" you and Jirou chuckled.

You opened your arm's, as Jirou came closer for a hug.

After separating, you looked at Ojiro.

"thank you Ojiro for helping keep those two in check, and helping with the traveling" you bowed.

"thanks for having me" he bowed back.

"i hope to meet you guy's again" sero waved.

Jirou and Ojiro walked out the door, before looking back as they waited for Kaminari and Mina.

"come on you two, Bakugou can't wait to have you two gone" Jirou chuckled, as Mina and Kaminari still cried on Bakugou.

"that's the truest thing you said of all earphone's" Bakugou spoke.

"now get off of me" he growled at the two.

"not until you admit you'll miss us!" they whined.

"fine! i wont be entirely happy when you two leave, now get off!" he shouted.

"we'll take it!" Kaminari smiled.

"come on you two" Jirou used her ear jacks on the two, making then shout.

"were going, were going!" They ran towards the door.

Eventually, it closed as they all left, making your group small once more.

"so i geuss it's just the four of us now" Kirishima said.

"yea, but hey, we still got each other" sero tried lightening up the mood.

You turned around, lending your hand to Bakugou as he took it, letting you help him up as he stood up from the floor.

Once he stood up, you two faced each other, as you both remebered the festival, slow dancing with each other and getting lost in the moment.

Not What You Think~ (bakugou x fem reader/fantasy A.U)Where stories live. Discover now