chapter ten.

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1973, flashback. (first part)

song for this (entire) chapter: put your head on my shoulder - paul anka

a young h/c woman was outside, window shopping in the city. it wasn't out of the ordinary for women much like her to be doing that: who can blame them? there are many interesting articles in tokyo. 

one particular shop seemed to pick at her interest. curiously she strolled in, and was met with a bossa-nova type tune into the place. a young woman was working at the counter, and y/n glanced around, slightly intimidated.

the people there looked like mafia men, with the color coded suits and the trench coats. the mafia and y/n, were not exactly the most friendly with each other, to say the very least. in certain situations, obviously she wouldn't feel comfortable. and to commit a crime as a con artist at a store surrounded by men from the mafia isn't necessarily the smartest idea. 

although, a certain red-haired male seemed to catch an eye for her, shortly after she barged in. thinking nothing of it, he strolled down past his fellow members and made his way towards the girl. tendou thought that she was beautiful.

"excuse me? you lost or?" the red-haired male asked her, earning y/n to look up and put her hands in front of her. tendou raised his eyebrow, then immediately stopped it with a laugh.

"oh don't worry sweetheart," he laughed, earning a scowl from y/n, "i won't hurt you. y'know, not everyone here 'sa bad guy." 

"are who are you in that division?" she dared to ask him, earning a whistle from tendou. luckily, their conversation wasn't really noticed by anyone, since their were multiple conversations going on in that specific place. 

"oh, trying to act all tough and mighty? you seemed like a little distressed damsel a second ago." tendou remarked, earning a laugh from the h/c girl. he liked her laugh: he wanted to make her feel that way again.

"the saying is actually a damsel in distress," y/n corrected, earning a hum of understanding from the red-haired male. 

"oh, terribly sorry miss...."

"l/n. y/n l/n." she grinned, earning a hum from tendou. 

"satori tendou, miss l/n. you cm'ere often, no?" he asked her, earning a giggle from the h/c girl. 

"the real gentlemen would've started the conversation with that!"

"oh, pardon me, darling."

1975, present time. (second part)

the funeral of tendou satori was earlier this evening. y/n wouldn't attend, nor any members of inarizaki. it would be real unprofessional for the killers to attend the victim's funeral. 

surprisingly, y/n mourned with the loss quickly. she didn't want to feel more pain than she already had: so it was better to get over it faster. but now, she was in suna's apartment: the sun was close to be setting. they were with basically everyone: kita, marie, the miya twins, suna, y/n, and the rest of inarizaki. social gatherings like this were not uncommon for the gang.

everyone was dressed in black, greys and gold, the official colors of inarizaki. suna was by his bedroom door, where y/n was changing and cleaning herself up. he examined his area, greeting basically everyone which was unlike him somewhat. what can he say, after seeing her for the first time, and her hands drenched with blood, he IS a changed man. 

coming out in a grey crop-top and skinny jeans that were black, her gold brassiere was showing above her cleavage. it made suna stare for a slight second, but his eyes immediately drifted back to her eyes. he knew how to hide is aroused state.

"what's wrong with this?" she asked him, curious about what he was thinking when he examined her outfit.

"nothing, it looks fine. i can fight anyway." he reassured, wrapping an arm around her waist and walked out to where the rest of inarizaki was chatting their minds away.  

towards the back, suna noticed some of the other boys, that looked either like associates or soldiers chatting away together. he didn't care for this type of talk jusually, but it made him slightly annoyed because they were pointing at y/n. 

"watashi no, she looks, wow!" one of the men called out, earning suna to tighten his grip around her waist. 

"if i were to tap that, yosa, she must be good. yo, suna boy!" another called out, earning suna to glare and make his way to them, removing his arm around y/n. she didn't think much of it.

"what?" he called out, strolling over to the group of guys. he noticed their dress-shirt colors, grey and gold. inarizaki.

"listen man, that your girl?" one of them gestured over to y/n, who was making conversation with marie and shinsuke. 

"you can call her that." suna replied, his eyes not leaving the man in front of him. said man just licked his lips, grinning. 

"how much to share man? brother-to-brother, y'know, anyone would be stupid to not wanna tap tha-" the man didn't get to finish when suna collided his fist with his face. blood dribbled out of the man's. he looked up at suna with wide eyes, to which suna responded by placing his foot on his chest. 

"you even breathe in the same room as her, and your throat will be sliced." suna threatened. 

a/n: thank you dominika for making me think of this idea <3

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