chapter fourteen.

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1957, flashback.

song for this (entire)chapter: merry go round of life - joe hizashi

the air was hot and humid. sun glistening in the sky and reflecting off of the many citizens living in the streets of aichi. 

a young boy, looked to be around 6 was upset. he was sitting behind the building that his friends were playing in front of. see, people like the young boy were supposedly treated unfairly from the other kids. they didn't like people like the young boy. he was used to it.

that wasn't until a certain couple came upon him, the woman eyes' screaming with sympathy. the young boy, who had his hands covering his eyes beforehand, looked up, trying to see approached him just then. 

the woman had skin that glistened in the sun like the other citizens, and her hair was dark along with her eyes. she wore a red sundress and her arms were draped onto the sleeve of the man there. he wore a matte black suit, along with a grey button down shirt under and a bright red tie. he had very big sunglasses on, covering mist of the top of his face.

the couple just stared, like he was some sort of wild animal. the boy looked at them in confusion, shifting around uncomfortably, not liking all of the attention on him. the woman was first to speak up, the tender and soft voice of her slightly startling him. 

"hey... are you feeling okay, love?" she asked him. he just nodded no, tugging his knees close to him. she gave him a frown and a hum.

"are those your friends?" she asked, pointing to the group of boys. he nodded. "did they make fun of you? leave you to be?" he nodded once more. she hummed in thought again, looking over at the man who the young boy proclaimed to be her husband. 

"oh, who would you might be then?" the man crouched down, earning the young boy to sit up straight again.

"rin... rintarou suna. call me... rin." he told them, earning a nod from the couple.

"how old are you, rin?" the man asked rintarou, the young boy's narrow eyes' slightly intimidating the couple. 

"six..." he mumbled, earning a gasp from the woman and a nod from the man. the man stood back up, wiping any dirt (or invisible dirt) from his pants and diverting his attention to rintarou again. 

"well, rin, i have a question to ask you." the man asked him, earning a nod from rintarou.

"what do you say you come with me, and we can definitely get you some new friends. how about some revenge for them trying to make fun of you like that? would you perhaps like that?" the man asked him, earning the young boy to tilt his head down in thought.

"my name is norimune kuruso, by the way. i apologize, i should have probably started with that." the man grinned, earning rin to look up again.

"well, mister kuruso, i would... i would like that." rintarou declared, and kuruso's grin just went wider. 

1963, flashback.

rintarou was growing up with the wealthy and high class family: the kuruso's. 

it was not as if rintarou did not grow up with a previous family: he still had a younger sister who was there for him. he knew it was her birthday today: he never forgot it.

rintarou missed his sister: he wondered how she was doing, and hopefully that she was in a better condition than he was. his biggest regret he had was taking the hand of kuruso. 

he didn't know why, but kuruso constantly abused rintarou mentally more than physically. rintarou slowly figured out the fact that kuruso wanted to change him to become some sort of blood-hungry antagonist in the world. rin disliked that. he never really did. the constant torture of getting a beating when he said the wrong thing out loud wasn't something he was used too. mainly because he had nobody to actually beat him up.

kuruso also disliked the fact that rintarou was a very introverted person, yet he was very smart. nobody could tell what he was thinking past the nonchalant expression and the constant short responses when he was asked something. however, these thoughts of his were relatively interesting.

the young man would look at a knife, and couldn't help but wonder if he took that and slashed his arms with it. would he actually feel something other than the indescribable pain? 

the young man would walk on a bridge with kuruso, and he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to just jump off of it to maybe see the terror on anyone's faces when they do.

and kuruso, well, he was the worst of all. 

"obviously in order to be a man, you have to shape up, y'know? gee, everyone knows that." kuruso confronted to the young boy, who was now in a grey tuxedo jacker loosely fitted around the waist. rintarou felt quite odd to be all of a sudden, wearing a suit out of nowhere.

"w...what do you mean, shape up?" rin asked him, earning a hum from kuruso. the older man made his way over to the tray on the young man's bedroom nightstand, and filled up a cup with a brown-ish liquid about halfway. 


"jack daniels, take it." kuruso offered, and of course feeling obligated too, rintarou took the cup. the smell was strong for the young man's nose, and he almost scrunched his face because of the the strong scent burning his nostrils. without looking at him, rin put the cup to his lips, swallowing a sip of the strong alcohol.

it burned his throat.

kuruso just patted him on the back to try for rintarou to let out his coughing fit, and the young man's head started to pound. he would definitely not forget this moment anytime soon.

((just wanted to say thank you for @KITASRITUAL
for creating the most AMAZING drawing of don
shinsuke and suna rintarou, they literally look
exactly how i imagined them to and the GUN
FROM CHAPTER 12- yes yes yes yes yes x18

thank you marie, you're talent is unreal <3))

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