chapter thirty.

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2 years later, 1977.

song for this chapter: senza mama - livio giorgi

"y/n! kuroo's calling you!" marie chirped inside of the younger woman's bedroom, causing a hum to come from the other woman's throat. she smiled softly at the mention of kuroo's name. 

it had been a rather daunting 2 years without him. everyone could see how much she had missed him, and y/n was breaking more and more inside. the deal was she would kill a man and then leave to be with suna, but nekoma's affiliations couldn't let that happen, as nobody could get a hold of inarizaki. 

so she really just killed her boyfriend's friend out of a tad bit of revenge. was it worth it? the feeling of killing someone again, yes. 

the h/c woman made her way out of her bedroom, dressed in a simple red silk gown as she made her way down the stairs. she was greeted with smiles from yaku and lev, who had been by her side since she could even remember. 

and then kenma. 

he had developed a small crush of the h/c girl, and she was somewhat blind to it. he didn't like to express his feelings too often, so every woman he found attractive he would just keep to himself, sometimes he would point it out to kuroo ever-the-chance. he greeted her with a nod, and she gave him one right back. 

"ah, y/n! i was meaning to talk to you." she heard kuroo from behind her, causing her to turn around. she gave him a smile.

"hi kuroo." she softly acknowledged, and he gave a smug grin. 

"would you mind if you and i have a little discussion?" he questioned. 

"no, not at all."

"great! yaku, lev, kenma, make yourselves busy. the lady and i need to have a chat." the 3 men got up without a word. 'the lady' is what nekoma casually referred y/n as, with marie being 'the sister', which didn't make sense to y/n until she found out the 2 (marie and kuroo) were stepsiblings. 

"so, what is it that you would like to talk about?" y/n kept her voice down, and kuroo hummed. he bit his bottom lip, it was what he did when he was thinking. 

"see, many people are coming over today. i just wish that you don't make too much of a scene." kuroo stated, and y/n gasped. 

"tetsurou kuroo, when do i ever make such a scene?" she inquired dramatically, and kuroo chuckled. 

"you were saying?" he quirked. she hit the back of his head, and he groaned in agony.

"well, who is coming over?" she asked him, and kuroo gave a nervous smile. 

"i can't disclose that just yet, but i'm sure you are familiar with some of them. just be ready by 8pm." he stated, and she nodded. 


nekoma was hosting a dinner. 

it was a tradition for gangs like them to do such events, take inarizaki for example. foods were adorned with fancy platters and fresh garnishes. there were many chairs listed out, and many high-class people with the most marvelous outfits were all chatting with eachother. 

7:48. the time read that, at least. 

y/n, who was wearing a rather long dark-red dress, was finishing up getting ready. she didn't do anything super fancy except for her lovely gown, but she didn't know exactly who was going to be there. but like everyone, she knew she needed to look great. 

the doorbell rang, y/n assuming it was another guest. the door was open to her room, so she could hear some chatter coming from that door. kuroo's enthusiastic welcome made her smile, ebut that quickly paused when she heard a voice. 

it was so familiar, but she couldn't make out who it was. 

hugging her shoulders, she applied some finishing touches as she heard kuroo guide the person, or people over to the dining room. she smiled at her finished appearance, and putting on a black pair of heels, she made her way out of her room.

the grand staircase led exactly to the dining room, so to make her entry more grand. she went down that staircase. she took a deep breathe, and once she was in level view, kuroo had turned around.

many people had stopped talking to stare, and y/n could make out a few faces as people she had met in her time meeting with inarizaki. kuroo did everything in his power for his jaw not to drop, yaku and lev were both appalled, and when her eyes scanned the area, she stopped at who was beside kuroo.

a drink in his hand, the ring on his pinky shining across the moonlight. another one was on his ring finger: an engagement band, perhaps?

and she didn't want it to be true, but she figured it out just because of the hand. the suit, the colors, the memories hit her like a tsunami. 


a/n: apology with tears coming soon for what im about to unveil

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