chapter twelve.

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1975, present time.

(smut warning: degrading, slapping, guns) song for this chapter: mekhi mekhi - shreya ghoshal

sweat dribbled down from his forehead. he couldn't: he couldn't wait any longer. 

the two of them were currently in the spare private room in the back of the bar, y/n pinned against the wall. her allure couldn't help the wanting, the craving that suna had for the h/c girl. the kisses were heated and hungry, like animals who had just found their prey. hands trailed up and down each other's bodies.

"you're being awfully mean right now. you know, you have me where you want. just fuck me already." y/n taunted, her voice coming out as raspy and hoarse. of course, she wanted to egg suna on a little bit. tease him. she would pay for it later, but indeed, it was worth it. 

"you're being awfully chatty right now." he retorted, his lips resorting to plant wet kisses on her collarbone. he sucked her skin, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to make a visible mark. 

"i-is that all you can do? just fucking kiss me? tch." y/n panted, acting ike she wasn't enjoying this one bit. which was obviously a lie, because of the fact that her turned on state of her body spoke louder than the words coming out of her mouth. 

suna didn't respond. instead, his hands trailed to her shoulders, and eventually the valley to her breasts. he kissed all around them before taking one of her nipples into his mouth, the other rolling in between his index finger and thumb.

her head tilted forward, and y/n bit her lip to try and prevent the screams that were begging to come out of her mouth. one of her hands latched onto his scalp, and suna let out a breathy groan at the feeling. no woman had ever pulled him like that: and he did like it.

"you know, you always were a-"

"one more word and i'm shoving my pistol down your damn throat, angel."

a rush of arousal floods towards y/n's whole body. yeah, she was turned on before, but she would be lying if she said that one statement didn't want to just make her give in right then. but she still wanted to play stubborn. her lips turned into a coy grin.

"yes, daddy." and that was the limit that suna could take.

in an instant, she was gripped by the shoulders and lulled onto the bed, suna's hand in collision with her face. it was very sexy, seeing him: pupils wide and having a feral glisten, knuckles white and breathing heavy. 

"you just love to see me get mad, don't you?" he asked her, a current of dominance rushing through his veins. when she didn't respond, he just clicked his tongue, his right hand slapping her cheek again.

in shock, her head jolted to the side, and the h/c girl let out a gasp. 

"answer me, you dirty slut." he spat.

"y-yes daddy."

 "oh, and since you have a mouth that for some reason doesn't like to shut up," he started, unbuckling his pants and taking out a shiny object that y/n couldn't come to view with, "suck it. i'll see if you redeemed yourself, if you don't, then i'll just shoot it in your throat, and use your pretty little body to fuck on my own. would you like that?" suna asked her, stroking the top of the pistol with his left hand. 

her eyes didn't, no, couldn't leave that object. she was so focused on it, what he would do if he did shoot inside her. obediently, she stuck her tongue out, waiting for his next move. the man above her just smirked, taking the gun inside of her mouth. 

it was relatively average, the size, the gun standing at 13 inches. the gun itself was slicked black, with the slight scent of musk, blood and wine fuming into her nose. suna started thrusting the pistol in and out of her mouth, seeing the sides of her lips appear with dribbles of saliva. y/n's eyes looked watery, but she still kept sucking. 

in attempt to relieve his situation, suna removed his boxers, them dropping to his knees and starting to pump himself in his right hand. the sight of y/n, disheveled face laying on the bed and the feeling from his hand alone could make him groan.

"very good girl." he panted, his hand moving at a faster pace. she kept on sucking, her cheeks hollowing when he pushed it deep inside of her throat. that made rintarou curse, and repeated her name like it was a mantra.

removing the gun from her mouth, suna grabbed her thighs and pulled her forward. and without warning, he pushed him inside of her, curses coming from the both of them. suna remained still for a while, but y/n could tell he was holding back. her hands gripped onto the bed.


"rintarou." he whispered, interrupting her. "my name is rintarou."

"rintarou." she recited, earning a groan from suna, who was above her. he liked the way his name came out of her lips: he wanted to hear that again. he started thrusting in and out of her, a slow and consistent pace, earning mewls and wails of pleasure to erupt from y/n's throat. 

one of his hands trailed down her stomach, the thumb of his middle finger pressing the lightest stroke against her clit. this made y/n moan, her face creating much of a silent-cry expression. his finger just stopped there, the thrusts going at a faster pace and harder. his groans were breathy, like he just ran a marathon, and he felt as if he would climax at any moment. so did she.

as if on cue, y/n's tongue rolled out of her mouth, her panting becoming like a dog and she climaxed around suna. he did the same, throwing his head back and running a hand through his messy hair that was attached to his face due to the sweat. letting out a final groan, suna pulled out, earning a sigh from y/n, the foreign feeling of emptiness getting experienced through her body. suna was first to break the silence.

"awh, you look beautiful when you're fucked out, y'know?"

"oh, shut up rintarou!" 

"something to come back too then, in more ways than on-"

"will you ever shut up?!"

a/n: got a double update for the real ones 🙄

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