Help Me ❤️

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When Nicole fainted Seth freaked out so he convinced Summer to take her to the hospital after she didn't wake up for a whole hour ! So they quickly took her and they checked her in and they waited for the doctor to come out ! Seth was worrying because now she knew who John was and she doesn't know him anymore so how would this work ? At least the old Nicole knew who he was and could love him but now this Nicole is the real old Nicole who knows who she is and who she loves but she doesn't remember her son ! How would he get her to go away with him now !

While the doctor was checking on her they asked Summer and Seth to wait outside.

Seth: She doesn't remember me now !
Summer: I think when I hit her on the head it took away her amnesia but it erased any memory she made after the accident !
Seth: So what do we do ?
Summer: Keep her locked up ! Sorry that you don't get her it's probably for the best !
Seth: How ?
Summer: They will suspect you so better lock her up for a while then you go on about your normal life ! For a while then we can take her somewhere else !
Seth: Fine I'm going to check if word has gotten out yet !
Summer: Smart !

He walks away !

Johns Pov
I had been almost 4 days without Nicole ! Anthony has been staying with Brie while me and Randy try to look for who ever took my Nicole ! Who could have done this to my love ! Why would they do this to me again ! How could they take her away from her husband and her baby ! He needs to be breast fed still and now I have to feed him formula I hope Nicole doesn't mind I can't let him starve either !

John was completely lost he didn't know where to look or where to call he has no idea where she could be !

Back at the hospital !

Nicole woke up and looked around and noticed she was alone with the doctor !

Nikki: What happened ? Where am I ?
Dr: Hospital ! You fainted !
Nikki: Am I okay ? What's wrong with me ?
Dr: Yes we're just waiting on some test results to check if you can leave to today ! When the test results come in I'll let you know !
Nikki: Doctor you have to help me ! Please ! Please help me !
Dr: What do you mean ?
Nikki: Those people outside they kidnapped me ! My name is Nicole Cena ! Check my records and call my husband John Cena please help me keep me locked up or under surveillance so that they don't take me again please I'm begging you help me !

The doctor nodded ! He walked outside and Summer walked up to him !

Summer: Is she okay ?
Dr: No we need to keep her over night don't worry tomorrow morning she can leave but I think she has a contagious bug so we have to keep her under lock down so no one but doctors can go in and see her ! Just for the night so we make sure she doesn't get anyone else sick !
Summer: Okay I understand !

The doctor nodded and went to call John.....

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