Marry Me ❤️

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After spending time with Randy and Brie, and the new twins John and Nicole finally went home ! After John showed Nicole where Anthony sleeps and she stared at him for like an hour she got into her pjs and jumps into bed with John she cuddled up into him she loved this feeling she didn't remember ever leaving but now it's almost a year later and she couldn't even remember ever being pregnant or having a baby and she felt like so much has changed ! While John was thinking of a way to bring things back to normal but how ?

He was going to propose to her he wanted to marry her again !

Nikki: After I have our next baby can I go see if I can wrestle !
John: Yeah I guess !

Nikki sensed something wasn't okay !

Nikki: What's wrong ?
John: Well we kind of agreed that you would be a stay at home mom ! Unless I wouldn't be home for a while then we would go on the road together !
Nikki: John I still want to wrestle !
John: I know I just realized that a lot will change again now !
Nikki: What changed before ?
John: Well instead of running around backstage getting ready you were always with me and Anthony !
Nikki: Well we can get a locker room together !
John: You also agreed to have sex with me everyday !

Nikki smiled and punched him !

Nikki: I bet that's how I got pregnant !
John: Oh of course and as you've seen I make perfect babies !
Nikki: You ? Or us ?
John: Me !!

Nikki punched him again and laughed !

Nikki: That's mean !

John pulled her onto his lap

John: I love you babe !
Nikki: I love you too baby !

They kissed and made love all night !

2 weeks later !

Nikki was at home playing with Anthony when the door bell rang she went to open it and it was Brie and Randy with the twins !

Nikki: Omg hey !
Brie: Sorry we just dropped by !
Nikki: When has that ever been a problem ?
Randy: When we came last month and you and John were half naked while Anthony was sleeping !

Nikki was flushed with embarrassment !

Nikki: Well no more of that ! Now that baby number two is on the way !
John: I wouldn't be so sure about that !

He said as he came down !

Nikki: Oh shush ! And help Brie with the baby !

John nodded and took the baby from Brie and they walked into the living room where Anthony was !

Nikki: Look baby your cousins are here !

Anthony bounced up and down happy to see the twins but more happy to see Brie !

Anthony: Brie ! Brie !

He said holding out his arms for her !

Brie: You taught him to say my name ?
Nikki: Yeah I tried with Randy but he says ran and when I say Randy he think I'm saying ran so he tries to run but he can barely take one step without falling on his butt !
Randy: It's okay he'll learn !
John: He knows how to say daddy now too !
Nikki: But he said mommy first so Ha !
John: You won't this one but we have another on the way let's see who wins then !

He said sticking his tongue out at her

Randy: You guys are such kids !
Nikki: It's him not me !
Brie: It's you too !
Nikki: I thought you were my sister !
Brie: Which gives me the right to say your childish !
Nikki: Whatever !

She said as she went over to pick up Allison !

Nikki: Oh how cute are you my little Ali !

She put her back down and got Beatriz !

Nikki: You too Bea ! Oh you twins are so cute I want to have a girl now !
Randy: Well you are pregnant !
Nikki: I know but if anything I'll have another boy ! I mean with Johns genetics ! He comes from a family of all boys !
John: Yeah but maybe we will have a girl !
Nikki: Maybe

John told Randy he has something to show him so to come with him once they were out back he showed him the ring !

Randy: Wow that bigger then the last one !
John: Yeah she deserves it ! Now I don't know if I should have Anthony with me or not !
Randy: Duh ! Have him with you he's apart of a life she doesn't remember now so ask her with him in the room to show her the new life you guys will have or well a new chapter !

John agreed and made plans !

2 weeks later !

John: Babe get ready were going to dinner with Anthony !
Nikki: Umm okay I'll get ready first let me get Anthony ready !
John: No it's fine I got that covered you just go get even more beautiful !

Nikki smiled and kissed him !

John: Oh and remember it's formal !
Nikki: Okay !

Nicole smiled and went to change once she was ready she headed down stairs and was in complete Aww to see her baby in a tux !

Nikki: Look at my baby all cute !
John: Oh sure pay attention to the baby !

Nikki giggled and kissed both of them !

At the restaurant !

When they got their Nicole saw that it was just them three !

During dinner !

John: Nicole there's a reason why I asked you here today ! And I just want you to know that I love you so much you're my love my happiness my joy your my world ! And when I thought I had lost you my heart broke to a million pieces ! When you came back and had our baby I was happy and to this day I remain happy knowing I will be a father again so Nicole will you marry me ? Again !!

Nicole smiled and was just stating at John and Anthony when Anthony began to talk !!

Anthony: Mommy yes ! Mommy yes !

He said bouncing up and down on his high chair !

Nikki smiled and kissed Anthony then turned to John !

Nikki: Of course I'll marry you my love....................

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