Back At It ❤️

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It was Monday Night Raw and John walked into the arena like always hours before anyone else ! He walked in without anyone noticing him and went straight into training before the show it has been 6 months since he's actually been in the ring or even the gym so he was a little unprepared nothing a little hard work wouldn't fix ! He trained for hours without anyone noticing he was there not that he would notice anyone else with him either his mind is on one thing and one thing only it's the same thing that's been on for the past few month and that was Nicole !

Everyone was by the entrance waiting for John to arrive they were all anxious to see how he was and how he was doing but overall to welcome him back !

Brie: Where is he ? The show starts in an hour !
Nattie: He said he would be here ?
Brie: Yeah he said see you Monday !
Randy: Maybe he's running late !
Mike: Yeah there's probably traffic !

A stage manger wondered why they were all there instead of getting ready for the shoe !

SM: What are you guys doing ?
Brie: Waiting for John to arrive !
SM: What are you talking about John has been in the gym since noon !!

Everyone looked at him shocked how come no one said anything !

Brie: Why didn't anyone tell us ?
SM: I thought you guys knew ? I mean come on this is typical John arriving at arenas before anyone else ? Going to the gym for hours until the show was about to start ? I mean the only thing he did different was when he would be with Nicole on their bus but now since she's no longer here he spent all day in the gym !
Randy: Does Mr. McMahon know ?
SM: I suppose ?

They all nod and head to the gym !

They walk in and they see him in his work our clothes still wearing his wedding band and Mr. McMahon talking !

He notices everyone and smiled at them then looks too the floor !

John: Oh god they found me !

He said as she looked up at them and laughed ! Which made Brie want to cry ! This was the first time in months that he's seen not only smile but also laugh !

They soon ran to him and gave him a welcome back hug although everyone didn't ask the big question !

How are you holding up !

It was then that Vince took John away to discuss his coming back may bring up questions of course of how he's doing and what are his plans for the future now not having Nicole with him anymore !

Vince: What will you answer to those question because I guarantee you that as soon as they see you step out of gorilla reporters and magazines and anything you could possibly imagine they will call and ask for an interview !
John: Say this to them

The last few months have been horrible I haven't been myself ! My family has been here for me which I greatly am thankful for without them I wouldn't know what to do with myself and I'm also very greatful for Nicole's family and out friends they have taken such good care of me especially Brie out of anyone Brie has helped me through so much and it is because of her and her telling me that Nicole wouldn't want me to just mope around the house being sad when nothing can be done anymore it is for Nicole that I am doing this I'm coming back stronger and better than ever for her ! I will make her proud of me even if she's up there watching over me and as to what are my plans now well I can only say that I'm taking things one day at a time !

Vince just nodded and Vince's assistant showed him and John approved on the message !

The whole week went by good it was at the taping of Smackdown when things got a bit emotional backstage !

Vince: John I want to give you something !
John: What is it ?

Vince doesn't say anything he just hands him a framed picture ! It was a picture of Nicole !

Vince: I thought it would be best if you had this ! It's the last picture of her durning a payper view where she retained the title ! I thought it would mean more to you than any other person in the world !
John: Have you ever seen anyone more beautiful in your whole life ? Because I sure haven't

He said as he smiled down at the picture

John couldn't help but shed a few tears hug Vince and walk off into his bus where he proudly hung the picture of his wife with her title ! ❤️

In Iowa

Seth as usual came to visit Nicole and he had some very important news to share with Nicole !!

Seth: Hi there it's me Seth I know you can here me ever since you moved your hands ! Now hopefully you can wake up before you baby is due which is just 7 months away ! Now you remember how I kept telling you that for years I've been trying to get into the WWE ? Well I got the call the other day from Vince McMahon himself and said he wanted me to be on the main roster ! Isn't that great ! But I told him that I couldn't leave right now I explained to him your situation and how I'm helping you ! He thought it was very generous of me so he told me not to worry that when I felt ready to leave you or even until you wake up soon ! So wake up please so you can come on this adventure with me !

He continued to talk while Nicole listened

Nikki's Pov
WWE ? Main Roster ? What is this and why does it seem so familiar and like I know what it was or is ? But I seem to understand everything so I will help him with everything when I wake up ! I have to wake up soon ! For me for him and for my son ! I named him already ! His name will he Anthony John last name I don't know but those two names have been in my mind and every time I think about those two names it makes me happy I don't know why but it does so that is what I will name my child ! Maybe my husbands name was Anthony or maybe John ? Both ? I don't know when I wake up I'll know hopefully !

At Raw !

Summer Rae was walking around backstage looking for Brie when she found her she asked her to step outside with her to talk for a second.

Brie: What happened Summer ?
Summer: Brie do you think it's too soon to start getting close to John ?

Brie was shocked she would have said no in a heart beat but that was different that was when John and Nikki were on a break and not living together but now she was gone and John could use someone to make him at least a little happy !

Brie: Oh wow Summer I don't know !
Summer: I'm sorry I probably shouldn't ask it just that I've had a crush on him for a long time and when he married Nikki I was moving on but now that she's gone those feelings are coming back and I know he's in a rough place but I just want to make him happy !
Brie: No I get it ! I'm just a little taken back !
Summer: So it's too soon ?
Brie: Uhh I'll get back to you on that okay ?
Summer: Okay !
Brie: And thank you but why did you talk to me first ? Why not go straight to John ?
Summer: Out of respect for your sister !
Brie: Thank you !

They hugged and Brie went back inside !

Summers Pov
Honestly I don't care about Nikki I'm glad she's gone ! She took John from me and now that she's dead I can have John all to myself well him and his money...................

So I told you guys to check out the new book

Not The Only One ❤️

So instead of doing shoutouts and dedications I will pick a person at random and post on your Wattpad wall ! I will post a small note or a preview of new chapters if I have worked on it on any book of your choice ! This is what you need to do !
Comment and vote ! Comment what you think of the chapter and the book you want a preview of and I will write on your profile !

The book you I will choose the propel from is

Not The Only One ❤️

Love you guys ❤️

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