Summer ❤️

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John was sleeping on his bus 3 hours before the show started being that he had been in the gym all day and now was bored of just being in there and when he was bored and alone that was when he thought of Nicole the most ! He thought of how when he was bored they would go into his bus and just have fun together there was never a boring moment with Nicole around ! Even when they were mad at each other there was a moment of silence but mostly yelling ! Yelling about stupid stuff that they would never even talk about but they always ended up laughing at each other about how red they would each get and just kiss and make up ! But nothing would ever be boring with her and now that she was gone all he could do was sleep !

He was peacefully sleepy when he.........

Nicole: I love you !
John: I love you too !
Nicole: Baby I miss you !
John: I miss you so much you have no idea !
Nikki: No I know ! I see it ! Baby try to be happy !
John: Nicole what happened ?

Nikki stayed quite kissed him and started walking away and John followed her started yelling out for her but she wouldn't turn back she kept walking when her red dress turned white as a white light blinded him and then he couldn't see her anymore !

John: Nicole please don't leave ! Don't leave ! Come back ! Nikki come back !

John then woke up and was shaking he got scared when he saw Summer

Summer: Hey I'm sorry the door was open and I wanted to ask you something ! And I woke you up because you looked like you were having a nightmare !

John didn't care he just pulled her down and hugged her and he hugged her back after a while he pulled away and she got up !

John: I'm sorry I just had a nightmare about Nicole !
Summer: It's completely fine I'm here for you anytime you need anything !
John: Thank you !
Summer: Come with me I know something that will make you feel better !

John just nodded and followed her they got into her car and drove off !

When they got there John was surprised to see that he was at a park and Summer had a bat in hand

John: Why are we here ?
Summer: You need a little bit of fun and a stress reliever ! Which I'm guessing is mostly anger ?
John: Anger ? To what ?
Summer: Let's see you lost the love of your life you're wife of 4 years someone you had been with for only 6 years and God took her from you ! She died and it's not your fault it not her fault and it wasn't gods fault it was just something that happened !
John: Okay so what do you want me to do ?
Summer: Well

She said as she opened the back of her trunk and John saw pumpkins !

John: What are those for ?
Summer: You're going to be smashing pumpkins today !
John: I'm what ?
Summer: You heard me ! Now take one out and smash it !
John: Summer what is this supposed to do
Summer: At first it should be fun then all your frustrations will come out then eventually and hopefully you will feel peace and relived !
John: I don't know....
Summer: Please just try ! I mean if it doesn't work at least I'll know I tried !
John: Tried to what ?
Summer: Make you a little happy ! Make you feel better John it hurts me and honestly not just me it hurts everyone who cares about you to see you like this we know that loosing Nicole was bad I get that but it might be harsh to say life goes on and I'm not saying forget her I'm saying remember her but try to be a little happy !

John just looked at her and nodded they took out the pumpkins and he started smashing ! He smash all the pumpkins and cried into Summers arms after it all !

I'm Iowa

(Stephanie will be Nikki like Duh lol)

Dr: Well Stephanie you're good to go !
Nikki: Thank you so much !
Dr: How did you decided to go with the name Stephanie ?
Nikki: Seth was saying a bunch of random names and Stephanie was the one that stuck out to me the most so I just chose that one !
Dr: That's good okay now just wait for Seth to come and get you with the wheel chair and you are free to go !
Nikki: Thank you !

They hug and she waits for Seth then she heads home with him ! Seth shows her around his house then she sees her picture that catches her attention a lot !

Nikki: Hey Seth who is this ?

She said as she picked up a picture

Seth: Oh him that's John Cena he's a wrestler in the WWE

Nikki then just a sudden pain to her head !

Nikki: Owwww....
Seth: You okay ?
Nikki: I don't know I just got this pain anyways he looks so familiar and he's very handsome !
Seth: See maybe you do know what the WWE is and that's why you remember him !
Nikki: Maybe ! Aren't their any females wrestlers ?
Seth: Yeah but my main focus is the men !
Nikki: Yeah I guess okay I'm going to go lay down if you don't mind I'm getting a headache !
Seth: That's fine !

In Florida after Raw !

John is just walking around backstage looking for someone when finally he found her !

John: Hey Brianna can I talk to you about something ?
Brie: Sure what is it ?
John: It's about Summer......................

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