So Close ❤️

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It's been 3 weeks almost a month since Seth had debuted and Nicole is just so happy for him ! Her baby is now one month old and growing to look a lot like John ! Seth hasn't seen it yet and Nicole can't tell if he looks like her since she has no one else to compare him too !

It breaks her heart to still not know who gathered her baby she doesn't know if she has a family who misses her ? What was her life and why can't she remember ?

Seth: Hey you okay ?
Nikki: No not really I mean I just get to thinking you know ?
Seth: Yeah I know ! I can't imagine not knowing who I am !
Nikki: It's not just for me it's for my little Anthony I mean how will I tell him what happened !

Seth stayed quiet and looked at her and finally made a move it was a small one but for him still a move !

He grabbed her hand and kissed it then he looked into her eyes !

Seth: If by the time he grows up to asks questions we can tell him I'm his father !

Nikki's face lit up she couldn't believe that after everything he's done for her he was still willing to be her sons father figure !

She got up and hugged him then she tripped and fell on his lap !

They looked deep into each other's eyes and both were leaning in and were about to kiss when Anthony started crying she quickly got up and went to check on him !

Nikki's Pov
Oh god I almost kissed him ! God please don't do this to me what if one of these days I find my husband ?

Little did she know he was thinking same thing he felt weird and decided to go for a walk !

He walked and walked until he reached this doughnut shop he went in and after a few minutes someone tapped his shoulder !

Seth: Oh hey !
John: Hey what brings you here ?
Seth: I couldn't be in my house it's a danger zone !
John: What do you mean ?
Seth: You know how I've told you and Brie about the girl I live with ?
John: Yeah ?
Seth: Well today we were talking about how she didn't know how she would tell her son she don't know herself or his father so I told her look if by the time he started asking questions we don't know anything about you we can tell him I'm his father !
John: What did she say !
Seth: She got happy and hugged me !
John: And you left because ?

He said with a chuckle !

Seth: Because somehow she fell into my lap and we almost kissed !
John: Oh so what happened ?
Seth: The baby woke up and she ran to see what was wrong with him !
John: So that's why you left ?
Seth: Yeah !
John: Why ?
Seth: I fear one of these days she will find her family her husband and they will take her away !

John nodded he understood very well what he was going through !

John: Is she pretty ?
Seth: Oh yeah she's so pretty ! She has the face of an angel this beautiful brunette hair this beautiful chocolate brown eye....

When Seth said that Johns heart sank and once again he thought what if it's Nicole ?

John: Hey let me take you home that way I can meet her and you won't have to be alone with her it might be awkward for her too !
Seth: You're right ! Come one lets go !

They got into his car and drove off !

At Seth's house !

Nicole was on the living room when she heard a car pull up she peeked through the window when she saw Seth she ran to her room !

Outside !

Seth: Come on !

They walked in and John looked around for any clues but saw nothing !

Seth: Make your self at home I'm going to go call her !

John nodded and Seth walked away !

Seth walked to her room and knocked no one answered so he decided to open the door and saw that she was "sleeping"........

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