Will I Ever Know ❤️

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John sat in Bries car looking out the window at the cold rainy night ! He couldn't stop thinking about Nicole and how happy she made him and how mouth more happier he could be if she was still here ! While Brie on the other hand was thinking wether she should tell him about that feeling she had about that guy Seth she met ! She couldn't help but feel some type of bond with this man she didn't know why but she knew she had to tell him because maybe meeting Seth would bring John some peace ! Or something ! She knew that once he talked to him he would feel something !

They continued driving until they reached her and Randy's house ! They got out and walked in they went to the dining room where Randy had dinner ready for the 3 of them !

Randy: Hey man how are you ?
John: I've been better !
Randy: It's okay to have those days !
John: Yeah but I wish I wasn't ! I wish she was here !
Brie: We all do me more than anything I miss talking to my sister about the new chapter in my life !
John: What do you mean ?
Randy: We weren't going to say anything yet but !
Brie: I'm 2 months pregnant !

John was happy to know that Brie was pregnant he got up and he hugged her !

John: Congratulations ! I'm so happy for you guys !

He said as he hugged Randy after !

Brie: I wish I was sharing this with Nicole !
John: Yeah sometimes I wish we could have had a little one of our own just so that I wouldn't be as lonely without her !
Brie: John you're not alone !
Randy: We're here for you ! And you'll always be uncle John to our kids !
John: Really ?
Randy: Yes you're my best friend !
Brie: And you'll always be my brother in law !

He smiled they sat and ate dinner when Brie finally decided to tell them about Seth !

Brie: Have you guys met the new guy Seth ?
John: No why ?

Brie took a deep breathe and started explaining to them the whole situation ! And after they were a bit confused as to why she was telling them that !

Randy: So what about him babe ?
Brie: Well I don't know you might think I'm being weird but after he left I felt this strong sort of bond with him a connection !
John: Why ?
Brie: Maybe it has to do with the way he thought I was someone else when he looked at him from behind I mean there's only one person who that could be and its Nicole but...
Randy: It can't be her !
Brie: Well.....
John: What are you thinking Brianna ?
Brie: I might be crazy but what if it is Nicole ? I mean the girl doesn't know who she is and she was found and....
Randy: Get to your point Brianna !
Brie: We never found her body how do we know she's really dead !

John sat in silence and just looked at her and thought she's right what if she's not.....

In Iowa !

Nicole and Seth were sitting out side with Mrs. Evans when suddenly

Nicole felt water down her legs !

Nikki: Omg Seth I think my water broke !

She said holding her stomach !

Evans: I'll go get the car !

She runs to the car and they rush her to the hospital and after 9 hours Nicole gives birth to a beautiful baby boy who she names Anthony John !

Seth: He's beautiful Stephanie
Nikki: Thank you and I just wonder if he looks like his dad because so fat I don't think he looks like me !
Seth: Probably but he has blue eyes and dimples other than that he has your hair !

Nikki smiled and took the baby from Seth and held him in her arms wondering if he would ever know his real father.......


So the next few chapter will be filler chapters until it leads to John and Nikki seeing each other !

Anyone want to help me write the next 4 chapters ? Give me any ideas you would like to see but not them seeing each other not yet !

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