Dog Tags ❤️

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It had been a few more months and John and Summer were getting close ! He felt like she was the one to make him feel better now that Nicole was gone some people didn't really like it but they knew that he needed this ! That he needed someone to get him out of that depression he was in and of Summer Rae is what helped him then so be it they guessed lately John had been getting confused as to if he should get remarried or not ! Summer was waiting for him to make some type of commitment to her a serious one before Nicole had her baby, ever since finding her Summer had paid someone to keep a close eye on her to make sure if John was ever in Iowa without her to keep Nicole away ! Or better yet keep him away because she didn't remember him but he did and everything would change ! Summer was also thinking of a plan to get John to trap him but of course she would wait a while before taking the money but she just needed to be married then it came to her !

Summer: Hey John !
John: What's up Summer
Summer: Well you know how we're going to be in Vegas for Monday Night Raw ?
John: Yes !
Summer: I was thinking we could go out after a show you know just for a while to let loose a little bit have fun just for one night ?
John: Umm sure Summer that's fine excuse me I have to go !

He said as he kissed her and left the room !

Johns Pov
I only said yes because I did something recently that I haven't told her about ! I haven't really told anyone and the only person I'm truly going to tell is Brie she's the only who needs to know or even better deserves to know I'm just waiting for it to arrive ! It should be here today !

He thought to himself as he headed out of the arena !

Meanwhile with Summer on the phone

Summer: Yes I just need a roofy or anything that will have him talking and not remember the night before !
Guy: Yeah I can do that when do you need it ?
Summer: Before I leave to Vegas !
Guy: Okay I'll call you when I have it ! Remember only one ! I'll give you a few in case you need them for some other night but for this time only one and after he take the one don't let him drink anymore do what you gotta do them give him milk to start coming down from the high and he will knock out and awake up the next day with no memory of the night before !
Summer: Perfect thank you !

She said as she hung up !

In Iowa !

Nikki's Pov
I'm now 7 months pregnant and I'm pretty huge ! I was starting to think I might be having more than one baby but no the doctor said only one baby inside me my little Anthony John ! I just wish I knew who I was who my husband or boyfriend was so I wouldn't feel so alone ! I mean yeah I have Seth and he's great but I feel like I have no one who knows me better than I know my self like a brother or a sister ! My world is turned upside down and I don't know if I should just deal with it or start to search for the family I have what if I have more kids ?
No the doctor said this was my first kid ! But I'm sure I have a family a boyfriend or husband maybe ! Ugh I should just stop thinking about this ! It will only stress me out and it's not good for my baby !

Seth: Hey Stephanie !
Nikki: Yeah ?
Seth: So I got it all down after your baby is born we will leave for Florida !
Nikki: Great I can't wait to see you live out your dream !

She smiled as she went over to hug him !

Back with John and Brie

Brie: So what is it that you wanted to show me ?
John: This !

He said handing over his dog tags to Brie !

Brie: I've seen them before !
John: Not the last one !

He said pointing to the one at the bottom ! She quickly looked at it and brought tears to her eyes !

Brie: John that so sweet !

She referred to the dog tag the he as made and engraved especially for Nicole ! That read

For my true love Nicole I'll never forget you ❤️

Brie: What made you do this ?
John: I just thought it was something that should be done and well I always want to keep her near my heart so what better way to keep her memory then with my dog tags kissing it before every match ! It's like having her bless me from up there !
Brie: You're always so sweet !
John: I just wished we could have made her dream come true before she died !
Brie: What was her dream ?
John: For me and her to be champions at the same time ! I knew one day it would happen but it was a little to late !

Brie just nodded and hugged him thanked him for always being so sweet to her sister and for always making her happy !

He then went on to tell Summer about it she didn't say much she just said it was okay and she thought it was sweet ! Little did he know she was about to trap him wether he knew it or not.........................

For my lovely


Make sure to read her book

The Kids She Always Wanted ! And The Sequel

This Is The Life !

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