Coming Back ❤️

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A week has passed by and John still did the same thing he did every single day, he got up showered laid in bed until noon then went downstairs and watched as his family ate and talked then after they finished he sat out side in the sun and just sat there and stared out they just didn't know what to do for him he was sad all the time that there wasn't day where he didn't walk around his house looking dead.
It was Saturday and Randy and Brie arrived to his house like every weekend to check up on him !

Brie walked to the back where she knew he'd be where he always is, sitting on his pool chair the one he always sat in while looking over to Nikki's where she had always say next to him as they laid out and tanned or sat out and talked and laughed and just made each other smile and happy !

She sighed as she saw him because it truly broke his heart to see him like this ! But she pulled her self together and walked over and say in the chair he was staring at !

Brie: Hey !
John: Hey Brianna
Brie: How are you today ?
John: Okay I guess ?
Brie: Can we talk inside ?
John: Sure !

They got up and walked into his home office

John: So what is it you want to talk about ?
Brie: You !
John: What about me ?
Brie: John look at yourself !

She said as she got up and handed him a mirror

John: What about it ?
Brie: You're not you ! I know John trust me I know what you're going through you lost the love of your life but I lost my one and only sister literally my other half and that's hard on me too there's days where I don't want to get up and I just want to be alone we get it we all understand ! But John you know why it only took me a month to get back to work ?
John: Why ?
Brie: Because Nicole would have wanted it that way, she hated seeing me sad and she especially hated seeing you sad she knows that your hurting we all are but we need to move on life moves on !
John: Brianna I just can't forget about her !
Brie: I'm not saying to forget about her ! I'm saying let her rest in peace be happy for the time you had with her at least you made her the happiest girl in world and she died loving you ! She died knowing that you loved her enough to change your mind and marry her and even have kids with her ! She's gone now but I'm sure she's looking over you thinking you should at least try to be happy not with someone else but at work ! She knew how happy work made you happy ! Please John please come back to work do it for you for your family for Vince who had believed in you for so many years for the fans who have as well ! Do it for Nicole !

At this point they were both crying and John looking down at the same photo he was looking at last night ! Their wedding photo !

Brie got up and removed the photos from there and looked at it !

Brie: She was so happy that day ! Did I ever tell you we had to wait until the last minute to put on her make up because she couldn't stop crying for the nerves and happiness ! That's why the ceremony started 15 minutes late ! She was just an emotional mess but she didn't want to have it any other way ! She knew her dreams were coming true !
John: Brianna !
Brie: Yeah ?
John: Please leave !
Brie: What ?

John got up and removed the picture from her hand and looked at her in a way that terrified Brie so she backed up !

John: Leave me the hell alone ! Leave me be ! If I want to drown in sadness alone I will and I can ! I'll come back when I want to come back ! Maybe I will never get to ! Maybe I will forever be here in this house alone until I die ! But until that day comes all of you leave me alone !

He said with so much anger and rage in his voice but what Brie noticed most wasn't his anger but it was his soul that has been shattered into pieces ! His heart just as shattered his sadness his empty look that showed he was not at all happy !

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