Just Cuddling ❤️

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Brie took Nicole and Anthony home and when she saw her house Nicole was so impressed she couldn't believe she was walking into this amazing house she couldn't help but look around she was so impressed Brie and Randy didn't stay long they just helped Nicole and Anthony get settled in ! And John started making dinner !

Nikki: I'm in love with my closet !
John: I know you spend most of your time in there !
Nikki: Really ?
John: Yeah the other time you would just make out with me !

He said as he winked at her ! And she just smiled !

Nikki: Oh and do you always make dinner ?
John: No actually you never let me ! You said it was your job to take care of me so you would always make dinner and some nights we would go out !
Nikki: Well I bet now with Anthony we would have to stay in more !
John: Yeah because once I said we could get a nanny and you almost chewed my head off !
Nikki: Why ?
John: Again you said it's your job your the mother so no nannies ! But you agreed to baby sitters so we could go out !
Nikki: Okay well I'm going to put Anthony to sleep !
John: Right now ?
Nikki: Yeah I've figured out that if I put him to sleep now he sleeps through the night !
John: Oh okay !

Nikki goes up stairs and puts Anthony in his crib and watches as he sleeps she then starts to look around her huge house and sees a bunch of photos of her and John ! Happy smiling, laughing and over all just being together ! She smiled seeing how happy see looked and she couldn't help but notice that she felt happy now he made her smile and feel cared for ! She walked down stairs and noticed the lights were off but she could still see a light at the end of the hall she walked into the kitchen and saw John over at the dinning room with roses in hand and a bunch of candles lit !

John: Welcome home babe !

Nikki smiled and walked over to him !

Nikki: How did you have time to do this ?
John: Well it was already set up and well the candles I had to light them fast so as soon as you stepped foot on the stairs I got to lighting !
Nikki: You're amazing !
John: Not as much as you !

He pulled her in close and wrapped his arms around her waist and her around his neck !

John: You don't know how much I've missed you ! I can't help but feel like this is all a dream ! That I will wake up to an empty house again with no my or Anthony ! But honestly it wouldn't be a dream I'd be waking up from ! It'd be beautiful nightmare !
Nikki: Beautiful nightmare ?
John: The nightmare would be waking up and seeing you not here at all the beautiful is just you !

Nikki looked down then looked up at him with a huge smiled !

Nikki: I'm here now sweetie and this isn't a dream I'm really here and as long as you love me I won't go anywhere !

He smiled and kissed her !

They had dinner and after that they went into Nikki's closet !

John: So here is what you usually wear to bed !

He said showing her the drawer full of lingerie !

John: But it usually ends up on the floor after 5 minutes !
Nikki: Oh we don't want that !
John: You don't !

Nikki smiled and lightly slapped his chest !

Nikki: I agreed to sleep in the same bed with you don't make me change my mind !
John: Alright on days where you felt not good which were your period days you would wear one of my shirts and shorts under !
Nikki: Okay I'll figure it out I'll see you in a bit !

He kissed her forehead and went to their room !

After a few minutes Nicole came in wearing a long blue silk night gown and she went to go lay down with John !

John: You look gorgeous !
Nikki: You're so sweet !
John: I love you Nicole !
Nikki: I'm stating to feel something for you again I guess since I already loved you before !

John smiled and pulled her in close they were just laying there when Nicole started to speak !

Nikki: I think I want you to start training me !
John: Really you want to come back to work ?
Nikki: Yeah I've been watching a lot of videos and it looks like a lot of fun and I just want to get back to that place in my life ! I want to be champion again !
John: Did you see the from videos or...
Nikki: Brie told me she showed me a lot of the past year before I went missing and it's funny be cause she explained to me now how I'm a heel and some people hate me for what I did at SummerSlam but others just love me as a heel and I like me as a heel from the videos I've watched it looks more fun to be heel the face !
John: You did enjoy turning heel and the writers loved seeing you work your mean girl side !
Nikki: I know I saw !
John: Fine but I want you to go see your normal doctor have her do tests on you and see what we can do about your breast milk and if you could still take hard slams and you won't leaks and if okay to even be taking big slams you do have Amnesia ! So it might not be safe !
Nikki: You never know maybe one bump to the head and I can remember again !
John: Yes but it could also kill you and I just couldn't handle loosing you again !
Nikki: Okay can we go tomorrow and get me checked out ?
John: Yes I'll make a call right now !

Nikki nodded and looked at John who was making an appointment after she was so excited that she kissed him ! Of course he kissed back and started to deepen the kiss and laid her down on the bed with him on top of her ! He trailed down to her neck making her moan !

Nikki: John we agreed no...
John: I'm not doing anything you wouldn't want me to do I can kiss here !

He said while kissing her lips !

John: And here !

He said while kissing her neck !

John: And it doesn't have to lead to anything because it's just kissing ! Also if I do this !

He said while rubbing her thighs and squeezing her butt getting a giggle out of her !

John: It won't lead to anything because I'm just feeling my wife's beautiful soft skin anao my mine !

With that he took of his shirt and Nikki couldn't help but stare at his chest !

Nikki then started to rub his chest while John kissed her ! She then remembered the last thing her sister said to her !

Brie: If he touches you tonight and be makes you feel good and turned on then just let it happen ! I mean your not doing anything wrong you're just making love to your husband and I feel once you do that you'll remember again !

Nikki then pushed John away and stared into his eyes !

Nikki: John...
John: Yes ?
Nikki: I want you to make love to me !

John smiled and looked her up and down then looked into her eyes again !

John: You sure ?
Nikki: Yes I want you !

She said and she pulled him down and kissed him and with that ! They made love all night........

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