Rough Draft ❤️

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It had had been 4 years of being married to Nikki and John couldn't be happier ! Although he said he wouldn't get married nor have kids he finally came to the conclusion that he couldn't live without Nicole he decided what the hell why not marry her ! So he pooped the question back 4 years ago and he had not regretted it since ! They haven't been able to convince children but they weren't to worried about it they wanted to have at least one more year of just being a married couple with no kids !

But what happens when one day everything goes horrible wrong ? While water rafting ?

John: You okay Nicole ?
Nikki: Yeah I'm just trying to figure out how this thing works !
John: Just paddle !

She nods and continues when water over bowers her raft and takes her away.........

After hours, days, weeks, and months of looking ! No one found a trace of her !

Officer: I'm sorry but it's been almost a year Mr. Cena we have to pronounce her dead !

John cried into Bries arms and she held him not knowing how to feel or think of what the officer just said ! Her sister couldn't be dead she just couldn't be !

A few months later !

Brie: John my sister would have wanted you to be happy ! I know it's still hard on you to accept the fact that she's gone believe me it hurts me too but it's time you rebuild you're life !
John: I don't think I can Brianna ! She's on my mind all the time I can't love another women like I loved her I just can't !
Brie: Just please do it for me ? For your friends who care about you and are worried ! Do it for her who must be looking down on you thinking you shouldn't be so miserable !

He looked and her and just nodded as he began to cry and she held onto him.

In another city !

Seth: Thank you so much Stephanie for helping me with this video !
Stephanie: No need I'm thankful to you ! For helping me !
Seth: Well that day when I found you in the river I thought you were dead ! But when I pulled out I was relieved that you were breathing and rushed you to the hospital !
Stephanie: I'm surprised no one has looked for me !
Seth: Well maybe they have but since we don't know who you are we haven't been able to tell !
Stephanie: Yeah all I know is my name is Stephanie I must have been married because of my baby !

She said as she picked up her one month old son Anthony John !

Seth: Yeah it was weird how you were in a coma up to the last month of your pregnancy !
Stephanie: Yeah well hopefully one day I'll know my real life but as of now I'm happy with this one !

Seth smiled and hugged her !

Stephanie: Now come on we're going to be late for our flight to Florida !
Seth: I still can't believe I finally got hired by the WWE !
Stephanie: And I'm trying to learn everything I possibly can about this business so I can help you !
Seth: Surprisingly you retain information fast !
Stephanie: Must be the empty space I have haha !
Seth: Maybe or maybe you already knew about this stuff before you know ! But I wouldn't know much about the divas I only use to watch the guys and the main events ! Like Cena and.....
Stephanie: Cena ? Cena ? Why does that name sound so familiar ?
Seth: I'm telling you, you must have been a fan when we get to Florida I'll show you a picture !
Stephanie: Maybe okay let's go !

What happens when she sees John for the first time she doesn't know who he is and that he's remarried !

John: Omg Nicole !
Stephanie: Who's Nicole ?

Then Brie runs up to hug her and so does Randy and Nattie !

Stephanie: Who are you people and why are you hugging me

She said as she ran over to Seth !

Seth: What's going on ?
Stephanie: I don't know those people are hugging me and calling me Nicole ! I'm not Nicole I'm Stephanie !

Mickie was looking on !

Mickie: No how is she here I've been making sure she stays in that place where he found her ! How is she here !

Can she remember what they had for the sake of their child ?


So here's a really rough draft of the new story but I will continue it the same day as Love Never Dies ! ❤️ Yes I would want Nikki to loose the title to Nattie then Brie at Wrestlemania or another event only because Brie taking the title from Nikki would only cause another feud and I don't want that ! ❤️

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