Miss Her ❤️

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John was sitting at home on a Monday night looking at a picture of him and Nicole, it was their wedding picture ! He thought I made her wait so long, I made her suffer for so long her thinking that she would never be able to marry me, that we would never have kids ! Now that I did marry her and I wanted to have kids she's taken from me just like that. I feel as if God punished me for that, God doesn't want me to be happy ! People say I shouldn't feel that way ! That I should just let her memory rest in peace, but how can I when I don't even have a grave to visit ? How can I move on when there's a part of me saying she's still alive she's still out there with her heart beating for you like yours is for her ! It's been exactly 6 months that I haven't been able to see her, hug her, hear her beautiful voice that made my heart skip at best when she would be talking to me, I haven't been able to make love to her and make her feel the way she would always make me feel, and most importantly I haven't been able to tell her I love her like she did to me everyday ! I haven't been able to hear nor say those words, I know it hurts my family to see me this way especially my mom but I can't help it I lost the one thing that has brought me so much joy ! So much laughter and love, this would be the second time in my life that I have lost love and I don't think I could go through it again ! I miss her I just miss her so much !

He was deep into his thought to notice that his mother Carol had walked in !

Carol: Sweetie dinners ready !
John: I'm not hungry mom !
Carol: John Felix Anthony Cena ! You have not eaten all day please come and eat with us !
John: I'm not hungry mom !
Carol: John it breaks my heart to see you this way ! You haven't been to work since this whole thing happened I know it's hard baby I know but please come and eat at least do that !

John shed a few tears and nodded and walked out with her and ate with his mother and rest of his family who have been staying with him for a while just to make sure he was alright ! They don't like to admit it out loud but they were afraid he would be too depressed and become suicidal ! They don't blame him though they knew that loosing Nicole has been one of the worst thing that has ever happened to him because she was also the best thing that ever happened to him ! They knew that Nicole changed John in a good way, she made him see things in a new way and they all adored her especially for making John so happy , so her death came with a hard blow being that after 4 years of marriage she was gone !

At Raw !

Vince: Well I called this meeting here today because I don't know what to do anymore and I was hoping all of you would help me !
Nattie: What about ?
Vince: John ! You all know this Monday makes 6 months since him being here with us and it's honestly not good we need our face of the company back ! As much as people won't admit to it they miss him and it shows ! Merchandise sales have gone way up and it's because they think he's done that's he's not coming back so might as well stick up because this stuff will be worth something someday !

Randy then walks in with Brie !

Brie: Sorry we're late !
Vince: Actually Brianna I didn't need you here for this meeting !
Brie: What why ?
Layla: It's about John !
Nattie: And how he hasn't been here !
Eve: Because well you know !
Brie: Yeah ! It breaks my heart to see him like that !
Vince: You've seen him ?
Randy: We go every weekend to his house to be there with him and his family !
Stephen: Is he really that bad ?
Brie: Trust me you would see him walking down the street and you wouldn't even recognize him !

She said as she began to wipe tears from her face !

Vince: This is why didn't think you should be here I didn't need this to effect you !
Brie: No it's fine and as to John I will make sure he's back soon ! I'll talk to him as weird as it may sound he liked to have me around being that I remind him so much of Nicole ! It's not really a good healthy thing but it makes him smile at least once and I know my sister would want that !
Nattie: We will help !
Brie: Thanks I'll try in my own and then if it doesn't work you guys can try as well anyways do you know where he receives fan letters maybe that will help cheer him up a little and make him want to come back !
Vince: Yes come with me to my office I'll show you !

She nods and follows him !

In Iowa

Seth: Hi doctor Smith !
Smith: Hi Seth you here to see the girl again ?
Seth: Yeah you know that I've been coming here to read to her almost everyday !
Smith: Yes and I thank you a lot because well you know we don't know who she is or if she will even wake up !
Seth: You're lucky you found her before those village people tried to burry her !
Smith: Yeah they thought she was dead until I came in !
Seth: Yeah well I'll see you around Dr. Smith !

They shake hands and Seth goes in to find her still sleeping or well in her coma !

Seth: Hey ! It's me Seth I don't know if you can hear me or not but I'm here to read to you again as I've done that for the last 3 months ! Okay so we were reading Imperial Affliction !

He read to her 2 chapters and just talked to her for a while he spent everyday talking to her for two hours hoping that she would soon wake up !

Nikki's Pov
For a while now this man has been coming in and reading to me ! Is he my husband ? Or my friend ? I don't know I don't seem to remember a lot about myself but it's nice to know that someone is here for me and cares enough to come back and see me and talk to me even though I can't talk back or even make him see that I can hear him but I can and when I wake up I will show him that I really appreciate everything he's been doing for me !


First chapter honestly I had a hard time writing the beginning because I wanted to cry ! Anyways hope you like it ! Also make sure to check out the new book

Not The Only One ❤️

So happy today since both John and Nikki won their matches 💋❤️

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