The Siege

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It was an hour  before morning so most Imps weren't working yet so it was safe for me to go outside to watch the sunrise. I walked outside the cave and saw the baron wasteland of Mandalore, there wasn't rocks, there wasn't little cracks in the ground, there wasn't even sand it was just a dry pale ground. It felt dead, and if we lost today it would be a little more than dead, my father had never been on Mandalore he grew up on Concord dawn, I now know why he never wanted to go here when I asked why as a child. The brink of the sun started to rise above the horizon, the small bit of light breaking through the darkness looked beautiful. I head back inside and see everyone is up and preparing their weapons for battle.
"Where were you?" Bo asked as I walked in
"Getting a good look at the sunrise I might not ever see it" I replied
"Glad you got your affairs in order, Sabine will lead us into the mines" she finished, I nodded in agreement and we went into one of the caves after at least five miles of twists and turns we reached the main mine

           "Where were you?" Bo asked as I walked in            "Getting a good look at the sunrise I might not ever see it" I replied            "Glad you got your affairs in order, Sabine will lead us into the mines"  she finished, I nodded in a...

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It was worse than the Kessel spice mines. The slaves here were constantly beaten and the ones that weren't working fast didn't even get a warning and were just executed. There were Humans, Wookiees, Twi'leks, Toyderians, and countless other species mining Beskar. Most storm troopers there were armed with electro staffs and blasters not much of a threat. Until I saw the legion of Dark troopers guarding all of the exits and the main control room for the mine.

"We'll cause a ruckus in the west end while you can slip into the control room and disable those control collars on the miners" Yorin whispered to me and Bo

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"We'll cause a ruckus in the west end while you can slip into the control room and disable those control collars on the miners" Yorin whispered to me and Bo. Bo nodded in approval while Yorin and he s group went off. Most of clan Wren split up with  Yorin's  clan so me, Sabine and Bo snuck towards the control room.  We heard a loud explosion from the west end Yorin's distraction had worked and the death troopers left the control room to stop the riot. The three of us ran into the control room and pointed our guns at the Imps monitoring the minors, Bo slammed the head at one of the imps onto the control panel and yelled "disarm the collars and dark troopers", he obliged and turned them off. We then saw the crowd cheer as they attacked the storm troopers, and marched toward the exit of the mine. We saw from the scanners a group of ITTs were heading towards the mine.

The troopers came out the transports while the now free slaves went to meet them even the troopers blasters couldn't handle the hundred of miners attacking them

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The troopers came out the transports while the now free slaves went to meet them even the troopers blasters couldn't handle the hundred of miners attacking them. We headed outside to the the miners celebrating their freedom.
         "People of Mandalore!" Bo shouted "the Empire has had control of us for over twenty years confining our once proud people in shackles, no more will we allow it today we take back our planet" she turned on her Darksaber and raised it into the air and everyone cheered.
             "See that" Yorin turned to me and said, "that is my Mandalore" we climbed into the ITTS and rode them to the main base containing the dreadnoughts, we arrived fairly shortly and began a full ground assault. We had them by surprise so it was fairly easy to take the main entrance of the base. However, once we opened the entrance we were faced with heavy opposition by Tie strikers and AT-ST walkers. They had us pinned so Sabine told me and Bo
      "You guys take down the communications bay and give us some reinforcements, we'll handle the walkers"
         "Grab on" Bo told me as I grabbed her wrist and she flew using her jetpack towards the communications bay. We were flying hundreds of feet into the air, made me miss my jetpack, then she threw me towards the entrance as she flew towards the roof to take care of the security forces. I was met with a legion of storm troopers running towards me.
       "Freeze, we got you surrounded" one of the troopers yelled.
         "Oh I don't think so" I replied as I took off my helmet and clubbed a nearby trooper with it. I then took out my blaster and began firing at them. One by one I bashed their skull and shot them until the entrance was filled with dead bodies. All of a sudden dozens of troopers fell off the roof and falling towards the ground. Bo Katan then flew down and landed next to me.
       "Roof is secure, let's call our people back home" she said. I nodded in agreement and she sliced through the door with the darksaber. We had our guns drawn and ran through the halls, we reached the communications room and opened fire on everyone there, Bo used the communications and sent a private transmission. Then, all of a sudden on the scanners, the Keldabe class cruiser came out of hyperspace and hundreds of Mandalorian gauntlet fighters deployed towards the planet.

Bo then used her personal comm and said         "Sabine, I need you to take over those dreadnoughts and take down that drill

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Bo then used her personal comm and said
"Sabine, I need you to take over those dreadnoughts and take down that drill."
"On it" she replied.
We watched on the virtual display as the walkers and tie strikers were taken swiftly by the gauntlet fighters, as soon as the walkers were taken down the fighters had a chance to land and welcome in more ground reinforcements. The new reinforcements went to operate the dreadnoughts and fire upon the giant drill. The lasers penetrated the the outer shell of the drill and brought it down quickly.
"What is the meaning of this" a voice came from one of the comm displays then a hologram appeared it was Caraerian she didn't look happy
"We've come to take back what's ours your drill is finished now it's time for you to die" I told her in a cold voice. She looked at me in fear, good.

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